<p>Do professors release curves/cut-offs for their final grades...I had a C+ for a final grade as a raw score, but that shows up on MyUCLA as my official grade :( </p>
<p>Does this mean no curve?</p>
<p>Do professors release curves/cut-offs for their final grades...I had a C+ for a final grade as a raw score, but that shows up on MyUCLA as my official grade :( </p>
<p>Does this mean no curve?</p>
<p>was the class all final (% breakdown)? and what were the stats on the final (as far as anybody knows, it could’ve been right above your C+)… And… your teacher should have posted on the syllabus how the class was to be graded, I’d look at that.</p>
<p>the grade that shows up on myUCLA is the final grade after the curve has been applied.</p>
<p>no the class was 40% final…he said grades were assigned according to “departmental guidelines”…he said the curve was minimal (2%) which wasn’t enough for me :(</p>
<p>What is a curve anyways? From what I know, most of the professors I’ve had just all input scores into an Excel File. Then, they multiply by the weighted grade (on the syllabus) of each category and sort the students by total percentage accumulated. Then, depending on how the professor wants the grade distribution, he/she will allot the top ____ % to receive A, the next ____ % to receive A-, B+, B, etc. I don’t think professors do the cutoff % for an A anymore in upper division … maybe at lower divisvion courses.</p>
<p>Thats why the professors assign a few tricky and difficult questions on midterms/finals – to “spread” out the class in order for grading to be based relative to performance compared to the rest of the class.</p>
<p>I think this is how grading should be, if the class grading is normalized. I think that’s how it is at other competitive universitites. Adding points and other stuff is kind of high school stuff. Extra credit is elementary school stuff.</p>
<p>Sorry dontcha to hear that. Your performance in other categories of the course could have also averaged a C+, so therefore that was your final grade.</p>