With divorced parents, neither are remarried, how is the custodial parent determined in FAFSA rules, and what documentation is required? @kelsmom @belknappoint
The custodial parent is the one with whom the child resides 51% of the previous year as of the date the Fafsa is filed.
Documentation? Well that would include things like the permanent address at your high school, where the kid attends high school. Things like that.
You declare who the student lives with in the 365 days before filing FAFSA. I don’t think it is questioned that often but if it is, then ^^as stated you might used the school district records, calendars, or just swear to it.
And please be honest about this because getting federally funded need based aid by providing false info is fraud…which is a crime.
I’m not implying that you are thinking about being dishonest I’m just saying!
I didn’t understand if custodial parent was based on financial support or where the child lives. I understand now. Thank you.
https://studentaid.ed.gov/sa/fafsa/filling-out/parent-info#divorced-separated-living-apart gives the rule. Whom the child lives with most of the time determines who the custodial parent is. Who provides more financial support is the tie breaker if the child lives with both parents equally.