How do you define cutthroat. If you mean cheating, that is never acceptable. In addition to violating other students, cheaters have less knowledge of required content needed later. What was meaningful to me and my sister, we didn’t know why we would consider other students more prepared than we were. By cheating, could earn a lower score. Yipes!
Some classes are inherently difficult to the extreme. Students seemed not to cheat because of the level of difficulty and complicated testing of content. Competitive, but not kiler, because a level of academic proficiency was required and grades were not allocated by letter grade.
Cheating was a problem when students did not contribute to group projects equivalently. If faculty seems unaware. Notify. On individual projects with presentation, faculty may be upset by lack of rigor.
In general then, cutthroat seems ok as long as students don’t cheat, criticize or gangup…In the case of classes with very competitive students, that is ok. Students are never guaranteed a grade, even when overmatched by classmates. Students in high school seem very competitive and take pride in glad to the third decimal point in gpas. Silly.
However, if lots of students earn high grades in very difficult classes, they should earn the grade corresponding to grade standards and not number of particular grades. Had a large class with As and several Fs. Graded that way and explained to department chair who wanted grades distributed. No. Fs who had sabotaged had to take class again and did well after apologizing and doing their own stuff.
So some classes are very challenging and students work hard to master and demonstrate content. They should get the grades they deserve. Some students who usually get high grades may find it impossible to match the grade of those who excel. They change sections of wait until next time to take the class and earn an A. Faculty has no obligation and students should have no expectation of a particular grade. Students should get the grade they earned and not one based on class ranking. Classes are not always comparable in student proficiency.
Cheaters and drains on group efforts should be reported and receive sanctions.
University faculty as faculty aren’t known for mercy, extra credit, do overs, sympathy with students saying class notes differ from presentation, whatever. Faculty are trained in a discipline that they treasured enough to study extensively and work thoughtfully to teach to students an area about which they care. That does not mean that some students aren’t preferred somehow, but they shouldn’t be traded accordingly. Cute students do earn As in advanced statistics because they learned proficiently.