Agree can we reach out to admissions ? Do they have Dorm/space issue ?

Today I was told there are about 75 students chosen for this program

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My friend’s D had a similar offer at another college. Her admission was 100% contingent on doing her first semester abroad. It was her top choice college and she did spend her first semester in Europe – it all worked out well for her – her cohort became close and she roomed with them when she came to campus for the spring semester making it a fairly smooth transition.

Before agreeing to such a program I would want to learn how they integrate this group when they start on campus second semester (where will they be living on campus and with whom? can they meet with advisors online and schedule second semester classes the same time as other freshmen? is there any orientation when they arrive on campus? etc.)

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75 freshman to Madrid?

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heard the program was offered to more than they’re expecting to participate, so if 75, maybe half or less to actually go


Actually on the webinar just now they said total cohort would be 20
Will use waitlist to fill if necessary

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