D exposed to Covid - questions about family gathering

Isn’t obesity one of the medical conditions? They brought the BMI down to 25 or over for vaccine priority at one point. So much of the US population is over 25 BMI.

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Yes, you are right. I didn’t proofread what I wrote.

With regard to long term impacts, I don’t think there’s been much progress over the last two years in helping the general public understand the risks and the probabilities here. I’m not confident that will improve even in one or two more years, because there are too many people in the media who benefit from promoting fear. If it bleeds, it leads… and prior diseases with variable long term consequences (eg Lyme disease, ME) remain poorly understood after a couple of decades.

someone explain this to me.
11 yo (not vaxxed) has dinner with another 11yo and hangs out. Sat night
Next day other kid tests positive.
2 days later for first kid to return to school they have to PCR test. That is a positive. kid is isolated. No symptoms . All antigen tests are negative. Friday takes another PCR. Negative.

COVID-19 is usually less severe in younger kids, so the kid in question may have gotten an infection that was both asymptomatic and low enough in viral load that it may not have been enough for rapid test detection (and less likely to have been contagious).

Of course, understanding of risks and probabilities generally is not all that great, and most people will prefer anecdotes over anonymous data anyway, which is why news pieces for the general public about data and statistics usually include one or more anecdotal cases to keep the general public reader interested.

Opinions please…it it appropriate or not to ask the vax status of another student D drives to and from school each day, and eating breakfast in the car together for a half hour prior to the start of school? I thought her friend was vaxxed, found out last night she was not. Even hosted friend for a week this summer and last, thinking they were vaxxed. DH babysits his 86 y/o poor-health dad 5 days/week. My dad is hanging by a thread the last couple of years at assisted living and I visit him. (My mom died of covid last year at Xmas.)

I don’t know viral loads of vaxxed vs unvaxxed etc. and if it matters. Just concerned with our exposure in relation to our dadsat this point. D is flipping out because i “interrogated” friend’s mom (was not an interrogation-I asked about her D’s exposure date last week since she was in my D’s car. Her D is quarantining at home due to exposure plus non-vax which is how I found out status). This friend was also exposed right before Xmas, and since was in D’s car, we cancelled our Xmas dinner and quarantined before seeing my dad…basically threw the holiday way off. D now irrationally texting me that I can’t keep them apart and that she is exposed to tons of people at dance and school anyway.

Worst part is friend’s mom screen shot-ed my text and sent it to her D, who sent it to my D. I’ve never done that to another adult in a private conversation. In addition, D said friend’s mom was not happy about my text. I then texted an apology stating if she felt I was badgering I only meant to ask about status not interrogate. I was supposed to get on her online exercise class which I have paid for through Feb. I bowed out to collect my thoughts as DH was leaving the house shouting SCREW HER lol. This is ripping people apart. Sorry for the rant…

I’m with your husband on this one.


Are there any studies showing that unvaxed people are spreading it faster than vaxed people? My SIL just recently had covid. She is vaxed, rest of her family is not. She believes she caught it from another extended family member (vaxed). All of her immediate family was around this person but she is the only one that caught it. Her immediate family tested every other day for about a week and never tested positive. (They also quarantined)

I haven t seen/read anything that the unvaxed are more dangerous to anyone but themselves. Initially the unvaxed were supposed to be the super spreaders but that seems to have gone out the window.


Studies aside, that parent’s behavior was pretty juvenile. Instead of dealing with the mom who asked this very legitimate question, she dragged her daughter and subsequently the poster’s daughter into a “broken phone” game of texting.


That’s why I mentioned that I have no knowledge of viral loads and transmission rates with regard to vax/unvaxxed. Maybe someone has prelim, non-peer reviewed yet data they are seeing since Omicron is so new…or older data from Delta. I would love to hear it.

Perhaps due to the fear of my dad and FIL, with compromised systems, ending up in hospital, I am over-reacting. I’m not feeling it’s the right thing to do in letting D have unmasked close exposure to someone who has been quarantined now 2 times in a month due to exposure. BTW, D’s friend’s sister brought it home from college and gave it to the mom. D’s friend rapid tested neg then, but got exposed at school last week and is rapid tested neg. so far. I did a PCR and rapids on my D over Xmas and I did a rapid on my D on Sunday and will again Tues.

As a retired chemist, I appreciate both your name and advice.


Nothing at all wrong with asking. If people can’t see that you have a specific interest and concern, then I am with your DH.

My SiL’s son is a die hard antivaxxer. He arrived at Xmas, she locked the doors and waved. She just shrugged and said he’d see the inside of the house once he was vaxxed, or not at all.


Covid is very prominent right now and there are just as many vaxxed as Unvaxxed getting it including boostered. While the unvaxxed person may be increasing their risk to themselves I do not believe they are any more dangerous to anyone else. I would not risk my relationship with my daughter by trying to demand she can not see her friend. But that’s just me.


the problem is that your D, even though vaxxed could get it from another source, not necessarily this unvaxxed person. Unless we all live in bubbles right now, the who is spreading this new varient is moot. Could it be possible this unvaxxed friend had it at some point in the past asymtomatically.?
I would encourage masking for now if nothing else, vaxxed or not.

Our story is that I was exposed to a vaxxed/non boostered person at dinner who was sick at the time, but still went to dinner.
I am vaxxed and boosted. I got covid a few days later. DH a few days after me. S, who is solely JnJ from 4 months ago never caught it living in the same home as us. We avoided each other , but did not mask in the home.


Why wouldn’t it be appropriate?

Just as an aside, but is your D’s friend paying for the free rides to school? If not, then maybe her mother should be giving you free online exercise class lessons?


@elliement i think the issue is that you asked an inconvenient question to a person who doesn’t want to be questioned about her vaccination status or beliefs.

But as your daughter’s parent and as your parents daughter, you have every right to ask these questions. Doesn’t matter what the other parent says or behaves.

You also have the right not to have your daughter ride in a car with an unvaccinated person. If it makes you uncomfortable, then find another way. It’s not up to the other person’s parents, and it’s not up to your daughter as she is still a child under your care.

That’s my opinion at least. If and when your daughter is out of your house and you aren’t supporting her, then she can make her own decisions. Because right now what she does and who she does it with are part of your problem. And spending time with your parents is important also.


Never asked for any compensation b/c friend’s house is on the way, but you do make a good point. (Will be having D drive alone for now, after quarantining, friend can find another ride.) I pre-paid for 7 online classes. After “Screw Her” DH also said (among other things), that I should ask for my money back and quit the classes. My thought was to finish classes and not re-up. She has probably just lost a customer, just on the forwarding of my text and telling her D how pissed she was. This is all too bad.

I guess it depends how much you want to ruffle feathers as far as the other parent goes with the classes.

My mean side would say, let her other clients know how she treats someone who questions her. Because that’s what this is. And she’s gaslighting you, because you dared to question her, she screenshot the conversation and involved your daughter. This is not mature behavior.

But my rational side would say, you can’t change crazy. Let it go. Take the class or eat the money you paid. But don’t take another.

I would err on the side of caution myself. Let things be.


This isn’t true.

  • First, vaxxed and boosted people are less likely to get covid, including omicron, and so they less likely to pass it on.
  • Second, if vaxxed people do get it, they generally clear the infection quicker and carry a lower viral load overall, so they are both less contagious and contagious for a shorter period of time.

In short, unvaxxed people are increasing the risk to others. It is much riskier to be around unvaxxed people rather than vaxxed people, even with omicron.


Despite concern about waning immunity, vaccines provide the best protection against infection. And if someone isn’t infected, they can’t spread the coronavirus. It’s truly that simple. Additionally, for those instances of a vaccinated person getting a breakthrough case, yes, they can be as infectious as an unvaccinated person. But they are likely contagious for a shorter period of time when compared with the unvaccinated, and they may harbor less infectious virus overall.