D exposed to Covid - questions about family gathering

you’re better off being safe. Last year my dad took a bunch of my brother’s friends upstate skiing. All tested negative right before they left. Two days after they got back - all started showing symptoms and were positive. (this was prior to my dad being vaccinated) . Luckily my dad and brother never got it, but it was a nerve wracking two weeks.


My friend’s unvaccinated husband walked off of a plane in Florida, went to the hospital, was treated for Covid, went to the hotel, and felt better 3 days later so went sightseeing. His grandmother died alone in the hospital a month earlier. I just can’t.

We had a similar situation and tested for five days at home after exposure. Son fully vaccinated and never got it. He was in a car with a positive person day before she knew she was positive. She was also fully vaccinated so thinking she shed less virus? This was in the fall so before the new variant.


I had a breakthrough case pre-booster. The day before symptoms, I had spent four hours in a car with three vaxxed people, none of whom ever got it. My H also tested negative, and did not really isolate from me. I wonder if it’s because I was vaxxed I did not shed as much? The four of us were not masked in the car either.


Although the people who test themselves privately are probably those who isolate on their own terms (e.g. avoiding more vulnerable relatives) rather than on terms forced upon them by others. Those who care the least would not bother self testing at all.


very fortunate. This was pre Omicron, which seems to not care about vaccinations in terms of testing positive .

Sigh, 51 year old teacher died here yesterday. She had three kids and a husband who has other health issues. Sigh

Daughter was notified of an exposure at work. I feel like cases are exploding


Sounds like my BIL, who had breakthrough Covid, was quite sick and symptomatic, left his very sick wife with Covid to get on a plane and fly to Florida to play in a golf tournament with his buddies. He told everyone with pride, his wife was mortified and had told me, and wondered why everyone shamed and shunned him. He’s not a great guy on his best day, but they are out there and don’t care who they hurt or expose.

Update. S tested negative with a PCR on Friday. I’m thinking friend had delta vs omicron. To be extra safe, he will still meet us on Xmas eve rather than before. But now with omicron exploding I’m nervous he will pick it up in the interim bc, well, he’s 21 and on his own and going to see friends. I hope he wears a mask.

You can’t win at this point. It’s just grades of losing.


I’m sorry :disappointed:. We’re in the same boat and just decided to call it off today. We rescheduled and will celebrate Xmas and NYE the following week. It’s a bummer, but I feel like omicron is a wildcard, and when the elderly are involved, better safe :woman_shrugging:.


Totally agree. We are doing two separate xmases. One with grandparent early and one with oldest son later. So tired of navigating a life of chaos.


We actually ended up hosting. Elderly mother did not come. Had 5 people and we tested when they arrived. D tested negative 4 days in a row so we felt comfortable. We had 2 wood stoves going and windows open in every room. So far everyone is healthy!

Saturday is h’s family. Much bigger (21 people) So much tension because half think everyone should be tested and masked (elderly MIL not yet boosted) and the other half saying “we trust the science.” My DIL who is a nurse is the WORST. She’s saying they are vaxxed and boosted and that’s all the science says they need to do. So who cares about MIL and the new baby. Crazy.

ETA: DIL should be SIL. my kids are college age :grinning:


Omni is supposed to produce a positive result sooner.

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Of course, “the science” has not completely answered questions like:

  • How serious is Omicron for vaccinated people?
  • How serious is Omicron for vaccinated and boosted people?

In the absence of such answers, people are likely to make optimistic or pessimistic assumptions and act or advocate accordingly. Of course, all of the indoor winter family gatherings will provide plenty of data for “the science” to find the answers, but by then it will be after when people were making decisions that could have been informed by the answers.

If you can keep the gathering outdoors and uncrowded, that will probably keep the risk low for your vaccinated group. But winter in many places is when people are least likely to want to have an event outdoors.

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Our daughter avoided Covid at her college for weeks, only to walk thru our door on Sunday and test positive on an antigen. She’s been isolating ever since. We (husband, son and I) have each been testing since Sunday and we are negative.

Our Xmas holiday is ruined but we are hoping we might be able to have a little fun on NYE. Daughter’s Covid will hopefully be resolved by then.

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If it helps my friends sons tested negative 6 days after they tested positive. Have your D test on Sat, you might be surprised. This new variant seems to move fast in vaccinated


D2 just texted that her fiance has body aches, head aches, sore throat, and fever of 101.4.

I’m going to drop off a box of Binax tests, but this doesn’t look good for Christmas. Fiance was double vaxxed, but not boosted. D2 got her booster 11 days ago.

Curious to know if the fiancé was boosted. Hope they are both ok.

No, he was due for it, though. I don’t knw if he had intended to get it or not.

D2 says they went to an ugly Christmas Sweater party on Saturday (she was 7 days post-booster) and has learned this morning that many of them are testing positive for Covid. A few have tested negative, but she doesn’t know the breakdown of vaxxed/unvaxxed/un-boosted/boosted.

Her fiance’s Covid test was positive.

D2 so far has zero symptoms. We are crossing fingers that she doesn’t get it and that her fiance doesn’t get any worse than he already feels.

Obviously, Christmas is canceled as far as having them over. The most important thing, though, is that they don’t get really sick or experience long Covid symptoms.