D was Accepted!

<p>My D got her acceptance today w/Presidential scholarship & invite to Capstone Scholars day. So exciting for her (and me!)</p>

<p>Congrats! And, isn’t that Presidential Scholarship awesome!</p>

<p>What is your D’s major?</p>

<p>Have you visited before? Will you go to CSDay?</p>

<p>Congratulations! Awesome achievement on the Presidential. We’re popping the cork on some champagne in your honor this evening. :)</p>

<p>Major will be psychology/pre-law. Yes that scholarship is awesome. We are making plans for the Capstone Scholars Day. Never visted before, so we are excited about leaving the freezing cold midwest in mid January for a visit to Bama!</p>

<p>Mahalo for the champagne, malanai</p>

<p>^^^Mahalo for knowing the word “mahalo!” Where in the midwest are you from? I spent six freezing years in East Lansing, Michigan many moons ago.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if CSDay is going to include a full campus tour?</p>

<p>Hello, M2CK and friends! Capstone Scholars Day will include an optional tour this year. After an invited student RSVPs for the event, s/he will receive an email with additional information on the tour. The student must reply to the email to sign-up for the tour. More information on CSD is available at <a href=“http://csd.ua.edu%5B/url%5D”>http://csd.ua.edu</a>.</p>

<p>@Malanai: We’re from Chicago. And its brutally cold here this week. I learned “Mahalo” on my trip to Hawaii a couple of years ago (Big Island & Oahu). I wish I was there now, LOL!</p>

<p>* Capstone Scholars Day will include an optional tour this year. After an invited student RSVPs for the event, s/he will receive an email with additional information on the tour.*</p>

<p>Nicole…can you clarify? Is this optional tour in addition to the standard choice of touring the honors dorms or the rec center?</p>

<p>Hello, please let me know if this helps a little more! Capstone Scholars Day will host an optional tour at the end of the event. The tour will not include stops at the recreation center or the residence halls. Once an invited student submits an RSVP for the event, additional information will be sent via email. To register for the tour the student is encouraged to reply to the email. Additional options for the afternoon include viewing a residence hall and/or the recreation center.</p>


<p>So…would this “optional tour” take place at the same time that others are choosing between the rec center and dorm tours? Or after? </p>

<p>Is this “optional tour” a walking tour?</p>

<p>The optional tour will take place at 1:30 p.m. and will not be a walking tour. It will be a driving tour around campus and should last approximately one hour. At the conclusion of this tour, guests will have another hour available to see the recreation center and dorms.</p>