D21 journey

Just a heads up that there are no classes on Friday at BC and local kids will be heading home for Easter so campus may look a little sparse.


Your D may have no interest in Vanderbilt. However, if she does exhibit disappointment or an interest sometime between now and the New Year, perhaps encourage her to consider transferring as an option.

My middle child was accepted to a number of colleges, but was WL at Vandy. She was upset about it, but used both the disappointment and her desire as motivation when she arrived at a college in the exact same ranking tier your D will attend.

She earned a 3.9 GPA her first semester freshman year and decided to consider a few options. Although she was uncertain she would transfer out of her college, she applied to Vanderbilt and three other colleges. As soon as Vanderbilt and her other top choice accepted her, she pulled her app out of the other two colleges and chose Vandy.

My middle kid is extremely happy she is a Vanderbilt Commodore. It isn’t over, if your D gets keen. Just a thought for the future.

Get on YouTube and look for student vloggers. While they are obviously representing just one student’s perspective, you can discern a lot by seeing what is happening in the background - how are the kids dressed, are they interacting with one another, what does the dining hall scene look like, etc. Some of these predate COVID and can give you an inkling.


Yes to the vloggers! My S has almost zero interest in the virtual events hosted by the colleges but loves to watch student vloggers from his potential schools.


I worry a little bit about my S getting turned off by vloggers. I watched a guy at Notre Dame show an older dorm room. No air conditioning or heat control and he could touch both walls by leaning. That’s probably where they put the waitlisters. :wink:


She’s going to Davidson. :grinning:


Yeah - I hear you. It’s a mixed bag. Some are rah rah, some kinda negative. At least it’s real students! I think our kids know enough from tik tok and such to not put too much stock in any one perspective.

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Glad you can see them all, have a great trip and can’t wait to hear your thoughts after visiting.


Mine does this too!

Won’t out the school -but one of my kids watched a YouTube vlogger and the “episode” about the bathrooms talked about finding poop in the shower !!! They were guessing it was from someone with a support dog that didn’t want to take them outside at night - but ick! Also, said that some of the showers next to bathroom stalls have slots so big you can see each other - going to be eye opening for my kids that currently complain about sharing a bathroom with just the 3 of them and a mom that cleans it on a regular basis. They are so excited for everything about leaving home and are not deterred …will see how long that lasts :rofl:

We will do this trip and then decide about going anywhere else.


Any idea what the weather will be like when you’re at the various schools. That could be a big factor?

Yeah maybe. Not great weather. Lehigh will be cold and rainy. Colgate might have a dusting of snow the night before but should be sunny for tour. BC sunny and in the 50s - at least better than the 40s and rain we had last time. Honestly, all have been having nice weather lately and this is a dip in temperature from the last week or so. It is what it is! We live in the cold so it won’t be a shock or anything lol


One thing about Lehigh that I haven’t seen mentioned - most of the athletic fields are on the other side of the mountain. Athletes drive personal cars to get to practices, freshman carpool with older students on the team. I don’t think this is an issue for your DD but wanted to mention it.


I think BC might be near the top of the list now. I think this is the 3rd time Homerdaughter has seen it. If it was off the table, why would they bother seeing it again? I think she is trying to determine if she can get past the religious aspect as well as no Greek life. If she can, I think this is the winner. Otherwise, I think Richmond wins.

Thanks, good to know. The kids we are visiting with are from our high school but that will explain it if campus is quiet!

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I predict Richmond. homerdog & daughter love it.

I think the religious aspect will prevent BC from moving to the very top. I think this student likes the school, but can’t get past it. Time will tell.

I see Davidson, Colgate, and Lehigh making it to the top 3. I think Richmond moved down a bit once the Colgate and Davidson acceptances came in. Richmond and BC are in the top 5. Will they move up?

I predict that this student will like Colgate and will have a tough time choosing between Davidson and Colgate, if she still wants an LAC.

If she decides she prefers a school that is a little bigger, Lehigh wins. I think Covid and the weather will make it hard to get a true read, but I still think it will win out if this student wants a slightly bigger school. Hopefully she can talk to some students.

Today, I think a big question is size. My final prediction:

Davidson- if she wants an LAC (the weather may make this school the winner over Colgate)
Lehigh- if she decides a bigger school is a better fit

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I can only warn y’all from placing your bets on a choice Lindagaf proposes - after all, she is the master of the last minute twist! :wink:


I’m going with Richmond-final answer. Really seemed to check all the boxes. (plus as a Spider Alum…I’m biased :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )