D21 journey

Lol, thanks for the first chuckle of the day!

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My friends daughter was wait listed from Vandy. It’s a hard get for the Midwestern students… Always has been. Have a great visit.

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For anyone interested in looking back to 1960, Vanderbilt, by SAT profile, appeared in the fifth tier in this Life article: LIFE - Google Books.

I think we can move away from Vandy topic now. I’m not sure why anyone thinks she should be setting herself up to transfer there when we never visited and she likes a lot of her current choices. All good here!


Is it safe to assume that taking a gap year is out ?

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Yes. Although I will ask the final few what their policy will be on gap years. I can see that most of them need a request by June. I want to ask what happens if the fall plans change drastically. Will they open up the gap year option again. I think this is very very unlikely to be an issue and she’s planning to go to school in the fall. I know some posters here disagree but I do not want to get into that debate here.


@MAmom111 makes a good point about BC! Could be a possible winner. It’s a fantastic school (obviously). And being part of the BC dance team performing at home football games etc would be lots of fun for Homerdaughter!!!

Need a refresher list. I recall:

Boston College
Loyola Marymount
Lehigh’s Library

Did I miss any ?

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A refresher list of her results?

Final results:

Boston College

WL (not taking spots) -

Denied -


Interesting that Richmond, Davidson, Colgate, Lehigh, & Boston College are highlighted in blue. Do the CC administrators know something that we do not ?


Yeah I do not know why that happens. @Lindagaf do you know?

I think the blue just links them to other threads. Click on one.

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When some colleges are typed, the software auto-links them to their page on CC. So the Colgate link would take you to the page with all the Colgate threads. It doesn’t work for all.

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Note homerdog typed LMU which doesn’t link to anything, but when you typed out Loyola Marymount, yours is in blue and links to Loyola Marymount threads. I assume the same for Wake Forest vs Wake, etc…


I know you are a firm believer in visiting the schools before decisions made (as am I) so which of the accepted schools have you visited? Which do you intend to visit before May 1?

We’ve been to Davidson, Richmond, and BC. Going to Colgate and Lehigh and BC again. Mostly, we are going to BC because we are already out in the NE and I feel like we didn’t see the whole campus last time.

On our last trip to BC, we picked up a BC friend in the dark at her dorm and drove ten minutes to the sushi place she suggested for dinner. It was in a strip mall. I got the impression there is no neighborhood to walk to with restaurants. Yet S19 visited some friends there and said they walked to a neighborhood so I’m confused. Plus, we didn’t look at that freshman campus or drive up and drive back to get a feel for what’s up with that. It just makes sense for her to see it since it’s (just) a four hour drive or so from Colgate.

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There is a small cluster of fast food restaurants directly across from campus near the church, with a Subway, Dunkin, etc. About a mile away is Cleveland Circle which has restaurants and a lot of the BC bars. The green line is right there to take them further into Allston for more bar/restaurant options as well as into downtown Boston. One side of campus is a bit gritty (where the students live off campus) but the other sides are leafy expensive suburbs. There is a gorgeous reservoir right across from campus where a lot of kids go running.


Thanks. Our hotel is in Cleveland Circle and I think that’s where we stayed last time. We will have to check it out more.

I know this has come up - highly recommend the site Day Tripper University - good write up on campuses and student hang outs. Boston College is listed. Maybe have your son looked at Bowdoin and see if accurate for his school. We have found very helpful for all our past visits. Using now as part of research for D22 - as guessing may not get to visit her entire list that didn’t overlap with sibs. Lastly, in Boston we love Tatte Bakery - breakfast, treat etc. Enjoy your trip with your daughter.


It’s exactly this kind of thing that makes visits so important, in my opinion. For D22 the city where the college is located is a huge factor, as is walkability. The schools become real and they can better envision life there. I’m really looking forward to trip reports from your visits!