D21 journey

@billycat what has been your largest class size so far? What are your five favorite things about BC?

Down to a final three–Colgate, Boston College, & Richmond .

Boston College is listed as an overlap school by both Colgate & the University of Richmond, but not vice versa.

I wonder how significant the city of Boston is to OP’s daughter’s attraction to BC.

In addition to the journey of OP & OP’s daughter, this thread has helped me to reassess as well as to reaffirm my position on a few schools regarding their attractiveness/suitability for family members (including one school discussed in this thread to which OP’s daughter did not apply).

P.S. Makes sense to me that Davidson College was eliminated from the final 4 schools as Davidson has a much different campus culture than the other 3 finalist schools.


I’ve got a bomb to drop.

Down to two.

Richmond is out! The culture just is not quite right. We met with a good friend of our’s D who is a freshman. She’s trying to transfer out. I’ve asked a lot of pointed questions on the UR parents FB page and PMd with multiple parents asking questions about the Greek system and social life in general and it just seems tricky. Also, D is pretty liberal and, while I know there are some liberal kids there, there is controversy going on about the naming of buildings with former slaveholder’s names. The board and the president have been slow to respond in a way we are comfortable with.

It’s really too bad because D loved the campus and liked the classes she took virtually as an admitted student. Dance would have been pretty perfect. It’s always been a priority, though, to feel comfortable on campus and there are too many red flags for her. Too many parents telling me their kids had a very hard time socially and our very good friend’s D transferring is too much to overlook.


It’s definitely BC.

My track record has been awful - all throughout the application process I thought your D would end up at Wake Forest. Then after the visits and decisions came in, I thought Davidson. Then Lehigh, then Richmond. I now think it’s gonna be Colgate so that means it’ll be Boston College, haha.

I started following this thread because your D was looking at very similar schools to what I was orginally looking at. I’m trying to decide between 4 now yet I’m more invested in homerdaughter’s decision then my own, haha.


My track record hasn’t been too great either, but now I am also beginning to think it’s BC.

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We need to hear a review of Colgate!

(I’ve got the “Go Eagles!” or “sko eags!!!” banner ready, waiting in the wings. Pun intended.)


I love the smell of Colgate Total toothpaste in the morning

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Ha! I’m still team Colgate! But I was wrong about Davidson, so…


I just picked my jaw up off the floor re Richmond. To continue my losing streak, I’m joining @Lindagaf on Team Colgate.


Ive always said Richmond was out. Knowing the schools that homerdog and family have gone to - this one never made sense to me!!
Good luck on the final choice!


Bigger vs. Smaller. Chicago to Boston vs. Chicago to Hamilton NY. ACC vs. Patriot League. No Greek life (BC) vs. Greek life.

I am putting myself in the BC camp now that UR is off the table.

Hmm…this will be a hard one. I feel like BC makes the most sense - right size, lots to do close by, easy to get there, easy to get to S19 on the train. There are the negatives of religion and no sororities but my D19 had the same reservations and got past them so who knows. Colgate is beautiful, has the sororities, no religion - I think if Homerdog was picking that’s what she would pick but now I’m not sure how this will go. Good luck either way!


My mouth literally dropped open when I read your post about dropping UR. I thought for sure that was going to be your daughter’s second choice. Sounds like your research re: fit is really paying off. Down to two… I think the kids at BC and Colgate are very similar. I feel like your daughter can’t go wrong here. Great vibe at both and similar student body… Does she want a larger university near a city or a LAC in a more rural area? Personal preference!

I have to say that the way you have done this college search is amazingly thorough. It’s my model for working through the process with my D22!!!


BTW, I’m going with BC, 100%.


I’m in shock! Ok, so as someone who grew up in the Boston area, my vote is for BC. My stepfather is a double alum, and took DS20 to visit jr year. It was not for him, but I was in heaven and literally wanted a life do-over so I could go there. It looks like Hogwarts, the school spirit is incredible, the alumni network is vast, Boston is awesome, it’s easy to get to, homerdaughter got 4 years of housing (umm—this means they want her!)…While it doesn’t have the Greek system, the clubs are a huge deal. Dying to find out!


After our PM exchange I figured as much!!!

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Throwing my vote to BC!

How about starting a D22 Journey thread? :wink: I’m already feeling withdrawal symptoms as we near the finish line.


Ha! I might need too. And I hear you about pending withdrawal symptoms as the Homer college search comes to an end!!

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Yes, we need another thread for next yr.