D21 journey

This thread has been helpful as an overview of the process for a student in this category, and also so fun. I think I’ll make one for my S24 whose GPA will most likely fall in the 3.0-3.4 range. He has dyslexia and dyscalculia, but is verbally strong, so others in a similar boat might benefit.


@Bill_Marsh - Regarding Dance at BC- It’s there but with a different focus and intensity. Homerdog and daughter know the difference. Not necessarily a deal breaker, again priorities may have shifted, but not equal.

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This is my first posting! I just wanted to say my D21 is also a ballet dancer. She would not apply to UR because she actually does have serious arachnophobia! She also considered BC because Harvard Ballet Company allows students who attend college in the Boston area to audition. If you check HBC dancers bios, you will see many universities in the area represented. Just a thought if your daughter is like mine…not majoring in dance but would love to continue training and performing with others at a high level.
(Company Dancers — Harvard Ballet Company)


I hope I didn’t offend with my arachnophobia comment. Best of luck to your daughter.

No worries at all. I hope her future roommate(s) can handle any spiders that may pop up in her dorm though, as I won’t be there to save her!


To keep things balanced, some may be susceptible to ornithophobia or erythrophobia.


Is your daughter attending BC?!

No, she did not apply to either UR or BC in the end. These and the other colleges on OP daughter’s list are all terrific. Good luck to her whichever she chooses. I am excited to hear the result along with everyone else.

Student run ballet companies are a great way to keep dancing, and there are a number of universities now that have or are developing them. It is just one component of many though…overall fit is so important.


Only @PeterParker was offended.


You do realize that you’re making her decision harder, don’t you? Not very kind of you to add to her stress. LOL.

Actually that’s a very good bit of trivia to know. Thanks for that.

I believe that BC has student run dance competitions each spring.

I know…sorry…this high school class has been through so much already! I don’t meant to make the decision harder, but If it helps to have more information, the website gives details on auditions and types of performances.

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You know that I was just kidding, right? I’m just a big teaser.

Wow! I am surprised that she does not have a clear favorite by now.

Is it safe to assume that warm weather is no longer a factor? She’s got three cold weather schools in the final four.

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Well, I’m pleased she liked Lehigh so much. I think I suggested it to you a year ago.


At BC now. Love it! Had transfer option to Cornell for my sophomore year but decided to stay at BC. Great school spirit.


And as a Lafayette grad I’m glad its off the list…lol…


This is easy. Colgate!


^^ Also this (post #8).

Yes, re-reading from the beginning. You know, like when you get to the end of David Copperfield or Bleak House and turn right back to page one to recall how it all began—except this Dickensian thread still has some unravelling to do!


The suspense is killing me. I love this thread but it makes my head hurt. I’m thinking of the battle of wits between Wesley and Vizzini in the Princess Bride.


Imagine what the suspense is like in her house, assuming there’s still no decision. We went through the same thing with our son. Excruciating.