D21 journey

Wonderful news @homerdog !

As I have mentioned in the past, S2’s final top 3 were Wake, Richmond and BC and lucky for him, he was able to attend admitted student’s days and make his (very difficult) choice. I feel so bad for the 2021’s for all they have dealt with and really hope she can step foot on these campuses. I am a BIG believer in fit so I feel your pain!

S1 went to Vanderbilt so I am feeling nostalgic with your D’s choices!!

Are the rest of her decisions coming in March? Under normal conditions, I feel like April is crazy with that May 1 deadline. I did hear some schools are pushing it a couple days but not sure how that helps if they all don’t push it back…?

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I’ve heard some Ivies are pushing their May 1 deadline out to May 3 but I haven’t heard of any other schools doing that. I don’t think two days really helps anyway. And yes all of the rest coming in March. Historically, most of these come mid-March with Vanderbilt being late March.

She’s been to BC and to Davidson but she was just a freshman when we saw Davidson. I’m just thinking we could do the Richmond, Wake, Davidson swing in Feb and then leave any other school she wants to see in April. I’m not loving visiting Wake and Davidson without knowing her decision but geographically it makes sense to see them if we are trying to knock out a Richmond visit in February.


@homerdog we did exactly that tour just before COVID hit. While the schools are conveniently located near one another we found the vibe quite different at each. At that point in my D21 journey she was sure Davidson was ‘the one’.
If you can go In February- same time we went a year ago- I say go for it. Ultimately the tours sealed the deal for my D21 and she only applied to one of the 3 and none EA or ED.

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@Homerdog, D’s school finally updated transcripts and is going to upload to common app. D said Davidson has a hard copy ‘midyear report’ form on its website. It asks for counselor comments, etc. Ugh. D’s HS has been completely remote and her counselor is completely checked out. D just wants to upload transcripts and be done with it because she thinks it will take weeks to get her counselor to fill out another form. Did your D submit the hard copy Davidson midyear report ? Trying to figure out how important the form is vs. just getting the transcript.

Not sure what you are referring to. Our GC sent updated transcript via Naviance through the common app. She didn’t fill out any other report. She did the exact same thing for S19 and he was admitted. I would have your D call Davidson admissions and just ask.

Thanks. I was referring to the form on their website [Apply | Davidson]. Yes, I know she can contact the admissions officer but she tries not to contact admissions officers about info easily available on a school’s website because, well, because I tell her to not ask questions that are answered on the website because it’s annoying :). I will just tell her to have her counselor attach the updated transcript to the common app, as it sounds like that is sufficient. thanks!

I’m sure our GC did not fill out that form. Your D doesn’t have to contact her AO, she can just call the office and ask whoever answers the phone.

It would be interesting & helpful to see a list of all results & pending decisions in one post.

Ok here’s an update in one post!

Santa Clara accepted $13,000 merit
LMU accepted merit in Feb
U Denver accepted $24,000 merit
Furman accepted $30,000 merit
U Richmond accepted (no merit)

RD decisions outstanding -

Boston College


Congrats to your daughter! Love following her journey.


Thanks! I hope her whole story will help some readers at some point!


Fabulous news so far!

I’m curious—was Middlebury a last-minute add? I don’t remember ever seeing it mentioned earlier, and I know your D didn’t want rural. I think she also wants the option of Greek life. What changed?

Well…Middlebury had no essays and we have a good friend who has a 2020 D who almost ED’d there. She narrowed it down to Midd or Richmond which seemed odd but we talked to them about it and kind of get it. Gorgeous campus, small classes, great food and dorms. It also reminded us a bit of Bowdoin but a little more artsy. D did a virtual tour and agreed to throw an app there. She has other schools without Greek life and none of her schools check every box so we thought why not? Plus, they have Febs and we thought checking that box was a great idea in case Covid is still around in the fall and everything more normal by spring 2022.

I agree that it’s not a perfect match but Colgate is just as cold and remote and she likes Colgate. Midd doesn’t do Greek but neither does BC. A 2000-student school isn’t her first choice but Davidson is that size. She could do a lot worse than Middlebury.

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Sorry, what is Febs? Is that like a deferral process?

Middlebury accepts most of their students to start in August but you can also check a box and say you’re cool with starting second semester instead. They do another round of freshmen orientation in Feb and generally make it pretty fun for that group. I think it’s something like 50-60 kids. I’ve heard they do a good job of integrating them into the school and they don’t feel behind and then they graduate in Feb four years later and ski down the mountain in their gowns for the ceremony. Kids generally plan something interesting to do for that first fall semester before they enroll. Middlebury can also help kids find programs to do if they don’t find anything on their own.


Ooh that is a nice option- especially this year with all of the uncertainties! Good luck to your daughter! I think we both applied to BC RD— I’m anxious to find out the outcome.

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Go Team Homerdog!


There are usually around 100 Febs, so it’s a good-sized group. They’ve had this program for many years, so it’s well thought out and well run from everything we’ve heard. (My D applied ED to Midd, but was deferred, so we did a lot of research. It’s a wonderful place.)

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@homerdog - one of my best friends has a son who started at Middlebury as a freshman this year. Their COVID restrictions were incrediby harsh (much more so than S21s MA school which was still strict but had a good balance with lots of COVID testing). Friend’s son said it felt like prison and ended up coming home in Nov and finishing remotely. It is a wonderfuld school but the town put a lot of pressure on them to keep kids on campus. So. before your D decides, you should see what they are planning for Fall.

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Yes we know. We have a son at Bowdoin and it’s plan is very similar to Midd’s. I’m actually pretty supportive of the NESCAC’s handling of Covid but it’s not ideal for freshmen especially. If Covid is still roaring in the fall, D will likely take a gap year no matter which school she chooses.