D21 journey

Richmond is a reasonably well-known, well respected school here on the East Coast. We know a few current students and grads, as well one who transferred out. Not because he did not like it - he liked it too much! He ended up transferring to the Naval Academy b/c he decided he needed the structure of “not having too much fun” but he went back to Richmond every free weekend he got! (I know him very well-met all his Richmond friends when they came for his graduation party!). Anyway, it’s a great school!


That dance scholarship sounds promising! Loved Wake!

@homerdog what is it about Richmond that moved it to the top of your daughter’s list? It’s a gorgeous school btw with what appears to be a phenomenal business school.

It’s the top of the list of schools she’s been accepted to so far. It’s always been near the top. First, she can take business classes or classes in their Leadership school while still majoring in the liberal arts. Two, she can dance there at a high level without majoring in dance. The campus is beautiful and on the warmer end of the schools on her list which would be her preference weather-wise. And, finally, she felt like she really identified with the students she met in the virtual student panels. And she was hoping for Greek life.

Her CA schools are a problem because she can’t get on those campuses and she’s unsure about going to CA now.

Davidson has dance options for her but no business type classes if she wants that. Wake has great dance but business classes only for those who are majors. BC, Lehigh allow her to take some business courses but are cold. BC has no Greek life. We’ve heard the area around Lehigh isn’t great. It’s hard to get to Colgate but she really liked the students she met and they do have Greek life. Vandy checks all boxes but big reach. Are you seeing the issue yet? Lol. No school is the Goldilocks school. Richmond comes close as do some of these other schools and that’s why they are all on the list. She will have to prioritize once acceptances are in.


Based on what you are saying, Richmond seems to be perfect for her!

Lehigh is gorgeous, but the surrounding area is (or at least was) not terribly exciting. Colgate is very rural- I don’t think there is much there either. I have family who attended Colgate and loved it.

Vanderbilt does check the boxes, and is 50% Greek (or at least it was a few years ago) which is nice for your daughter.

I think your down to Richmond and if she gets into Vandy. You have our permission to cross off all the other schools… Lol…

Gotta do it at some point :wink:

Like I said above somewhere, the Richmond acceptance did make her think more about what’s left. I don’t want to say which schools she’s still seriously considering on her RD list now but I will share at the end of all of this. There are a few that she thinks she would not choose over Richmond. That being said, we have not visited Richmond yet so that could change.

Is the relative size of the student body much of a consideration for your D at this point? I think Richmond, Colgate and Middlebury are her smaller schools, right? There is a different feel when going to the relatively larger campuses, even at Lehigh which has 6Kish. Will be interested to see how this all shakes out and what ends up being the deciding factor, especially since even if she can visit, the campuses won’t resemble anything ‘normal’

Edited to add: my D fell immediately in love with two campuses: Lehigh and Bowdoin


yes. It’s on the smaller side and her preference is a little larger (Wake, Lehigh, BC, Vandy, LMU) so they win in the size category. Lots to still shake out!

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@Mwfan1921 And you’re killing me with the Lehigh. I know your D liked it and lots of posters here pretty much insisted that it clicked all of D’s boxes too! See, this is not easy! First she needs to get in though.

Ideally, we hit Davidson, Wake and Richmond in Feb. Then we could go to Lehigh, Colgate and BC in April if she gets in. LMU will have to be virtual for now and, if she gets into Vandy, we will need a few days for the shock to wear off and then we could drive down.

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Sounds like you have a good plan, and lol on needing a few days for the shock to wear off if she gets in to Vandy!

Lehigh’s downsides were the immediate surrounding area, proportionally more NE students than some other schools, and all of the Greek Life nonsense that has been happening there (I expect that has taken a back seat due to the pandemic!)


The frat problems at Lehigh were quite serious. Very significant issues campus wide regarding substance abuse.

P.S. Lehigh & Bowdoin are almost “polar” opposites.


Oh my gosh, I did not realise you have not yet visited Richmond! You will love it! Not only is the campus beautiful, but the city is great. Richmond has a fabulous ballet company with a great training program if that is something that might interest her.


Thanks. She would likely just audition for University Dancers. She’s been in touch with some of the women who dance in that group and it looks like it’s a good fit!

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Well, I think that goes to show you that any one student can like two schools that are different from each other!

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Of course students can be attracted to very different schools. Important to understand the reasons why one is attracted to each school.


I follow Lehigh closely as an engaged alumna.

I do not think the substance problems are any worse at Lehigh than at comparable schools; what is different is the Administration’s enforcement of rules and consequences.

Whereas other Pennsylvania schools (think Penn) turn a largely blind eye toward underage drinking and drugs, Lehigh proactively monitors students and partying and enforces consequences. Expulsions and other disciplinary steps, as well as student dissatisfaction with the monitoring and bans, have contributed to Lehigh’s decreasing retention rate and its increasing transfer rate.

Lehigh’s disciplinary actions have also contributed to declining applications and an increased rejection of admissions offers as former students and their parents have actively sought to disparage Lehigh.

It seems as though the issues were at their worst a few years ago, with students that either have graduated by now or are seniors.


I do not want to derail this thread with discussions about a school not under consideration by OP’s daughter. Lehigh has long been a very hard partying campus. (For current student assessments check out unigo & other sites.)

I don’t think Lehigh is any worse than Colgate as far as partying is concerned. I have family at Colgate.


I agree. I think there’s some serious partying at all of her schools. She’s looking forward to a social life and I trust her to balance school and fun.