Daily Life at Vandy

What does a typical day at Vandy look like for you? I am a freshy and looking forward to being one of America’s happiest college students!! :slight_smile:

  1. Wake up around 5:30 AM
  2. Make an espresso
  3. Start writing a short paper.
  4. Around 7:30 finish the paper and start reading material for class.
  5. 8:30 chill for a few minutes
  6. 9:00 cloths are on, and I’m out the door.
  7. Class from 9:10 till 12:00, at which point I lunch for an hour and take my final class
  8. Go home and either take a nap or watch youtube till around 4:00.
  9. Do a little bit of reading for tomorrow, brainstorm for paper ides.
  10. Put on a pair of shorts for work.
  11. Go ref intramural sports games till around 9.
  12. Quick shower, in bed by 10:30.

I am not typical, but this is my typical WEEKDAY.

@Subcomfreak Whoa, you woke up at 5:30 for a class at 9? I wish I had as good habits as you lol.

1.) Wake up at 11:30 AM because I never go to a class I don’t have to (model student right here)
2.) Go to the one class I needed to from 12:10-1:00.
3.) Have lunch from 1:00-2:00
4.) Gym from 2:00 to 3:00
5.) Study/chill from 3:00 to 5:00
6.) Volunteer from 5:00-7:00
7.) Eat dinner from 7:00-8:00
8.) Study from 8:00-11:00
9.) 11:00-1:00 chill with friends
10) Sleep around 2 ish after I shower and all that.

This is the backbone of my most typical MWF from last semester. Sometimes I would have other commitments like VSVS or some other volunteer thing. But yeah, you can see the variation that exists between students.

@derp125 It isn’t about having good habits, it is just a practical way to get work done. Because everyone else wants to talk and hang out in the evenings it is hard for me to find uninterrupted time to work. if everyone woke up early and wanted to hang at 6AM I would probably stay up as late as you.