Dance intensive?

How important is dance (as in what level should a candidate be) for MT prescreen, audition and program success at Elon. Daughter is a strong singer / actor and can “move” but is weakest, by far, in dance.

They give three scores, one each for songs, monologue, and dance, and then they drop the lowest score (or at least this is what they said at the info session they do for the actual auditions.) Presumably they do they same for prescreens.

@NJNYvt Thanks. Very helpful.

Oh thank goodness. MT audition coach just told us the dance prescreen sonfilmed was “not competitive.” We are trying to do another piece for son’s Elon prescreen. So hard to get such harsh feedback before even application considered. Hang in there everybody.

^Yes, lots of emotions running high right now. D was passed through on one prescreen and redirected to acting on another the other day. Her thoughts, “Hard to be told you can’t sing after all these years…” Obviously not what they said, but that’s what she heard. They’ll end up where they’re supposed to be.