@22collegegrad My FA tab disappeared. But maybe it’s coz I didn’t apply for FA?
I didn’t clarify myself. I understand it is an informative (somewhat evaluative) process but I’ve done all of my interviews for other schools in Jan-Feb. I’m just curious, why now?? I thought the interview reports were due Feb.18.
@Zuzuland Maybe your interviewer contacted you late, maybe there just wasn’t someone available until now, either way it has nothing to do with your chances because the alumni network arranges interviews, not the admissions office. It is pretty late, and at this point, I don’t know how much of an affect an interview can have but a little boost can’t hurt, so good luck!!!
@vakilmohit that would be the logical reason, yes.
Anyone get a financial aid request from Dartmouth this morning?
Does everyone have like a list of 10 things on their financial aid checklist?
I don’t, do you?
@ARIVERA1 Yeah, I have like 8 million things in my financial aid section. Not like I’m gonna get much, but I have it nonetheless.
Yeah, so it just seems that everyone’s FA package requires different documents depending upon income sources, etc so request for additional information emails are probably made as they realize they need more information. Whereas with others they may just pull it from the CSS profile. I’m just speculating though.
What are those documents called (you don’t have to say if you don’t want to)?
Our son has about five - the confirmations that they received the FAFSA and CASE and then a few items listed that have been “waived”.
I have 7
I have twelve and one is waived
lol this is such an irrelevant conversation. I have 9, but what does that tell you? :))
@sciencenerd123 I think it reinforces the fact receiving an email for more information from financial aid is just as irrelevant as the number of documents you have on your FA checklist. FA needs different information from different people.
Yep it just depends on your family’s economic circumstances. I have only one
I only have one as well
I have 8 items listed on the FA tab
I have 12, all received
i have 6…