DS wants become study engineering to ultimately become an entrepenuer/inventor – he is wait listed at Princeton accepted at Dartmouth…still having doubts about D-Plan as he kind of map out what he wants to choose technically. He has an internship at Google in summer for 4 weeks and then will go to Bueas Aires for 6 weeks to live with Argentinian friends each summer to perfect his fluency in Spanish. Dartmouth requires sophomore summer and d-plan is bugging him still…but knowing how often an Ivy Ed opens doors he is torn. He writes very well and has two published short stories, one poem, two research papers from last year’s internship–and much like our local super geek Mr. Gates he has a big collection of Great Courses-- they should have something to talk about if they ever meet. So yes Dartmouth is an Ivy; it is bucolic and isolated (just like the people there say “Thoreau went to Walden to Think” and it is a great school–I get it. I would love to hear from some one in either research, engineering or who is now an entrepenuer with an engineering background—is Dartmouth worth the investment?