Dartmouth online scholarship datasheet??

<p>hey could anyone please show me how to find the online scholarship datasheet? I found the request on the student information system, but i could not find the form :(</p>

<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>

<p>I couldn’t either!! I mailed this form in physically, but now I’m trying to find the online one, to absolutely no avail.</p>

<p>Can anyone help me find where this is? Do you know when it is due by?</p>

<p>I think everything you need for an aid application can be found here, though I’m not sure what the ‘online scholarship datasheet’ is, if you’re still not sure I’d just call Fin Aid directly:</p>

<p>[First-Year</a> Students](<a href=“Home | Financial Aid”>Home | Financial Aid)</p>

<p>The Scholarship Data Sheet is listed as one my Financial Aid Paperwork Requirements on the Undergraduate Applicant Menu.</p>

<p>On the [Data</a> Sheet](<a href=“Home | Financial Aid”>Home | Financial Aid), it says that:</p>



<p>However, I cannot find this Financial Aid Menu. I was wondering if other people were in the same boat or not.</p>