<p>Well, job placement is a big deal. I am going to get an MBA, but not right after I graduate from college. I think I'm going to work for a few years (2-4) and then head back in.</p>
<p>Like everyone's said here, U Chicago is the best place to study Econ in the USA and probably the world</p>
<p>With that being said, I'm studying Econ as well, and if I had to choose, I'd prefer Dartmouth. It's always been one of my top schools, but never got into. I really have no reason why you should pass up Chicago compared to Dartmouth if you're serious about Econ, but I just like it more ;)</p>
<p>I never said Chicago doesn't have good recruiting, I said that the graduate econ rank doesn't give it a boost for business jobs over other elite schools.</p>