Date Ideas?

<p>If you have money go to a play or something. Shakespeare seems to be a favorite. My ex gf and I used to do a lot of the things that are mentioned on this thread, I suppose they are good ideas. We dont have a local lasertag place around here but that sounds like fun.</p>

<p>yes I did. Sorry for the confusion on the times sneakiie :P</p>

<p>don't they have underage dance clubs in new york?</p>


<p>I think that's a wonderful place for a date. Free food to boot!</p>

<p>Underage dance clubs are full of 13 year olds. Creepy.</p>

<p>I have a question: how about a wedding?</p>

<p>I got invited to a wedding (and subsequently hired to play the music, lol!), and I'm allowed to bring one guest, is this a good date idea? Idk... the girl may get the wrong idea given the scenario.</p>

<p>actually, i don't like the idea of laser tag.... how is that a date? all you are doing is trying to shoot the person, not get to know them, really.</p>

<p>plus, it's dark and you have to wear protective equipment, so you can't even check your date out! lol</p>

<p>well, IcicleRose88, i dont think laser tag would be a great FIRST date, but later on, i think it would be kind of fun, you know. i personally would go out and play laser tag. but then again, im a pretty active person and i like doing those things.</p>

<p>Dude, going Laser tagging with your friends is awesome but going with a date seems queer. You both risk the odds of being sweaty and tired at the end, which isn't very romantic.</p>

<p>Why don't you just take her out to a restaurant, or maybe just to a little diner or ice-cream store if you're cheap like me. Anyway, you will be able to talk to her and get to know her better, have a nice, quiet meal, and most likely get some action in the end if you don't **** her off. LOL :)</p>

<p>well, i'll tell ya this.. if i like the guy.. he's gonna get some action no matter where he brings me. unless he knows its something i dont like, in which case, i wont like him.</p>

<p>hes going on vacation to NY. probably should do at least one thing upscale (im assuming you're going from far away, the way you sound, meaning you're paying good money for a plane anyway).</p>

<p>go to a nice jazz club. its great upbeat, but mellow music. not too difficult to talk over. my boyfriend loves jazz, and keeps inviting me to go (except its on sundays, and that's the only time my family is together). i would really enjoy going, too.</p>

<p>i love the comedian idea. =]</p>

<p>maybe have a picnic in the park! tell her to bring her favorite food, and you pack the rest.</p>

<p>I think laser tag on a first date is hot. x]]] lol laser tag is fun. =] Tiss, just an advice, follow your heart on what you want to do with your date. >] Something fun that is.</p>

<p>gosh, thanks SNEAKiiE for seconding me... i would love to go to laser tag on a first date. black lights, hello! what's funner than that?!</p>

<p>Nonono I live in new york, im going away for like a month so I wanted something fun before I left. This isnt a first date btw.</p>

<p>=] Welcome Moni. XP Some people just don't think it's fun.[Sticks tongue at the people who thinks laser tag isn't fun] JP. =] Live in New York? =] Hhhhmmmm go horseback riding? >/ Shopping? Ha ha ha.Racing? o.o Ask your girlfriend! >0</p>

well, i'll tell ya this.. if i like the guy.. he's gonna get some action no matter where he brings me. unless he knows its something i dont like, in which case, i wont like him.


<p>Thats the spirit!</p>

<p>=] Reoowwwww Moni!</p>

<p>Hahaa... you girls know its true. I make plans on whether a guy is getting any action long before we go anywhere. And I know how far he's getting with me too. Maybe its just me who does this...but I get the feeling at least SNEAKiiE does it too!</p>

<p>LOL Moni! X] I don't have a boyfriend yet. LOL It's fun making them feel like "Damn...I wish my girlfriend was like her!" Ha ha ha. x]</p>