<p>My daughter is 17 and taking Arabic as her major subject in college. She loves languages and enjoys studying them.
Now her program includes a year abroad and she is scheduled to go to Cairo next year to improve on her language skills.</p>
<p>While searching the internet for information I found this article on BBC BBC</a> NEWS | Middle East | Egypt voices: Sexual harassment describing how widespread sexual harrassment in Egypt is and it left me terribly worried. </p>
<p>If this what happens to Arab women, what about a Caucasian girl who lives in Cairo with her family hundreds of miles away? I should add that my daughter always dresses very modestly, never wears tank tops or short skirts and would not even mind wearing head scarf or veil to protect herself. She is very inexperienced, although she has traveled in the USA and Europe with her parents, but also by herself.</p>
<p>What can I do to protect her? Have other parents encountered the same situation and can give me advice? Has anyone lived in Cairo or attended university there, who can comment on the situation from a woman's view.</p>