Day of Remembrance today

Today (Sunday) is the 10 year anniversary of the shooting at VT, and has been designated a Day of Remembrance by the State of VA.

Please remember the 32 victims, their family and friends, and the entire VT community today. I can tell you this is still very deeply felt by the community, even if they did not personally know those involved.
Today we are all Hokies

May we never forget…

@JustGraduate one of the biggest attractions to VT for us besides the academics was the “community”. It is amazing to see how everyone comes together to “remember” and “support”. I feel blessed to have my son become part of this amazing family. Thank you.

I know a LOT of alums - especially those there in 2007 - went back over the weekend. And the 3.2 mile Remembrance Run/Walk drew a record 16k+ runners. It was apparently quite the sight with such a mass of people winding through campus. It is a community, and for this particular “event” VT received tremendous support from other schools, both in 2007 and 2017. We all know this could happen anywhere…

Beautiful opinion piece in The Collegiate Times…