DD looking for German/Business [WI resident, 3.95 GPA, 33 ACT, <$30k/year]

Thanks! She visited Wash U and really liked it. Wasn’t sure of her odds to get in were very favorable.

She may get in, or she may not.

I will say that the merit awards are extremely competitive and not something that most people can count on. Try the NPCs and see if the school is affordable

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What’s not to like ? It’s gorgeous and they sell you on tempurpedic beds.

What does the NPC say ?

They have merit.

Without ED she’s unlikely and merit is not likely but they meet need so if it’s too much on the NPC apply RD and hope.

It’s ok to get turned down at colleges.

WUSTL isn’t a core part of merit chasing for a family which should consist of a guaranteed to meet cost safety or two, a most likely will meet cost safety - several of those and then the WUSTL category - unlikely to meet budget but it’s not impossible type school because they have merit. Vandy, Rice, W&L are these types where a Northwestern or Gtown or Ivy aren’t (no merit aid). Those are your hail Mary’s - admission wise and affordability wise.

In the first two categories you need some admission safeties and likelies in addition to financial safeties. In the WUSTL category they needn’t be admission safeties.


She should NOT apply to WVU if she’s interested in languages. See recent news about cuts.


Yes, agree. Saw that today.


Make sure your D isn’t slicing the bologna too thin.

I’ve hired for supply chain roles in various locations in the US, and for many of those roles, a specific “supply chain” degree was not required.

Industrial Engineering, Applied Math/Statistics, MIS/Data Management, Operations Management, a plain vanilla Business Management degree with a few courses in production, operations, procurement-- all of these are fine depending on the type of company and the type of role.

Your D may find that the broader major gives her a lot more options down the road.


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