Dean's Honor Roll Fall 2014

When do they announce the Dean’s Honor Roll for Fall 2014?

@Fullbacker. We received our son’s letter at our home on February 2. It was dated January 14 and came from the Dean Look College of Engineering.

Wow. We didn’t get one.

You should know that making the honor roll doesn’t only depend on GPA but also requires that 15 credits be taken in the semester.

We haven’t gotten anything either, although he has met the criteria including the units (more than once) - no idea why. I thought maybe they no longer do it, guess that was the wrong theory…

@AGmomx2 @spectrum2 @kidat1 @Fullbacker Well that is mysterious. The qualification are spelled out in Rule 11 ( and seem pretty straightforward: Here’s what the letter said:

It is with great pleasure that we confirm that you have earned the designation of “Dean’s Honor
Roll” for the 2014 Fall Semester; This designation is reserved only for those students who
achieve a GPA of 3.75 or better and is particularly noteworthy considering the rigorous and
demanding nature of your engineering curriculum.

In recognition of your superior academic achievement, please find enclosed a certificate
indicating that you have met the requirements for Dean’s Honor Roll. The College of
Engineering is pleased to congratulate you on this outstanding academic achievement and wishes
your continued success in the upcoming semesters.

Valerie Taylor, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Dwight Look College of Engineering

The letter doesn’t tell the whole story but Beaudreau’s link does or you Google TAMU Distinguished Students. And Dean’s Honors. If you meet the qualifications and didn’t receive the letter and certificate yet it would be worth questioning. My son is also in engineering and I think it arrived mid January. I don’t know if other schools are slower in getting this out but it is definitely still being done.

Just read this and ignore my last post, sorry I would edit it if I could figure out how…What happened to the edit button? I’m rewriting with the corrections…
:The letter doesn’t tell the whole story but Beaudreau’s link does or you can Google TAMU Distinguished Students and Dean’s Honors. If you meet the qualifications and didn’t receive the letter and certificate yet it would be worth questioning. My son is also in engineering and I think it arrived mid January. I don’t know if other schools are slower in getting this out but it is definitely still being done.

Mine is in Mays, I had found that link and asked my son about it . He isn’t that ‘into’ all the accolades, so he didn’t ask (nor will he) but yes, he meets all the criteria listed. My daughter qualified too but she didn’t get anything either, also was in Mays.

My D keeps taking 14 hours. She doesn’t care about the recognition, but I do. Sigh! The semesters she took 15 hours or more, we did get the letter. This is College of Science.

Yeah I was curious because my son is in his senior year and made a 4.0 over 17 hours in the college of Geosciences this past fall and I keep looking online for any announcements or a letter etc. and still cannot find anything. If you Google “Dean’s Honor Roll Texas A&M” you will see announcements and such in various local newspapers from years past but nothing for this year. I just figured it would be out by now.

( @spectrum2 , the question about the edit button: For the first 15 minutes after you post, there will be a little cog in the upper right corner of your post. When you click on the cog, a box will open up below it and you will see how many minutes you have left to edit. Then you click on that box to Edit. When they first changed the system, I had some trouble finding it, too. Sneaky.)

The honors distinction and accompanying letters are nice, but I think of them as “just” a temporary pat on the back for the student.

The real deal is Latin honors, which your students will receive if they meet the following gpa minimums (with at least 60 TAMU credit hours) the day before graduation:

3.50 - 3.69 GPA = Cum Laude
3.70 - 3.89 GPA = Magna Cum Laude
3.90 - 4.00 GPA = Summa Cum Laude

That’s the one that goes on the student’s transcript and diploma and looks good on the resume. Plus, your kid will get to wear a pretty graduation stole. :slight_smile:

As each semester passes, the honor roll distinction and letter are just a thing of the past with no meaning other than the pat on the back. Which is nice, but … Well, if it were me, I wouldn’t worry about the absence of a letter.

I was curious if the Dean’s List designation was on the transcript or not. So I guess my kids know best, not worth pursuing (although the tiger mom in me does come out occasionally… I’ll put it back in the cage and not worry about it) Thanks for the clarification!

Hahaa. Yeah, I get that tiger mom thing every once in a while myself. In this case, I think you have no reason to be concerned. :slight_smile:

My son is in May’s also and hasn’t received anything about Dean’s Honor Roll. He took 15 hours and made a 4.0. Maybe Mays is just slow getting it out.

Simplelife, thanks for the tutorial!
I just tried it with this post, now I get it!
