<p>Any thoughts? Answers? was is "satisfacion" for the last one? I'm really surprised because there weren't ANY hubiera/ habia/ habria stuff! Thank gosh for that!</p>
<p>ask me anything…im 100% i got an 800, cuz im a native</p>
<p>as it satisfacion? or whattever and what r some answers u remeber?</p>
<p>the last one was something negative…i dont remember what it was?</p>
<p>just aim me at bigweighter, and ill talk to u in private.</p>
<p>the answer was disgust—he couldn’t believe how the radio station could go from having stimulating discussions to nothing but boring news facts and modern music…something to that effect.</p>
<p>yeah i put disgusted too</p>
<p>yeah and 83 was like he wanted more of what: it was discussions right?</p>
<p>i guessed Modern Music but i wasnt sure about that one at all…</p>
<p>what’s the curve like on the spanish?
say I omitted 9 and got everything else right (76/85) what should I expect?</p>
<p>750-760 ;)</p>
<p>wow, that’s such a nice curve! I didn’t think it was bad at all, but I thought -9 would be around ~700.</p>
<p>There was a really weird on there…i forget it exactly, but it was the opening sentence to a passage that was something like "los latinos decimos que…"and then the answer choices were nuestro, nuestros, nuestra, nos.</p>
<p>it either had to be nosotros or nuestra…the mamba(i think this was the dance…w/e) the dance is us -or ours- because it brings all of us together—in the end i put nosotros</p>
<p>I believe the dance was “el mambo”, not “la mamba”, therefore it would be nuestro. I originally was debating between putting nosotros or nuestro, I wasn’t 100% sure about the answer.</p>
<p>One thing that I had a question about was one of the first paragraph completion sections. I think it was about a festival in Argentina or something? All I remember was that one of the answer choices was “la bandeja” and that the word after that started with a g, similar to the word gazpacho, which is why I thought it might be related to a food. I selected bandeja as the answer because I thought a serving dish would go along with the food of the cultural celebration.</p>
<p>I also was curious about the last question in the reading comprehension passage about a hispanic restaurant. The two answer choices that were the most logical one were “they grow their own vegetables” or “they use natural ingredients”. Anyone know what the correct response was?</p>
<p>^ It at least comforts me that we were all unsure about the same sections. I narrowed that question about food down to the same 2 answers and guessed. I also had the same difficulty of deciding between nuestro and nosotros. I think I went with nosotros.</p>
<p>I believe the answer to one of the last questions was that he wanted more interviews or something along those lines.</p>
<p>phoenix212, the word they were trying to use was “gaucho” or cowboy-- I can’t remember what the answer was exactly, but it had something to do with animals/farms.</p>