December QAS

<p>I didn't order QAS before (when I signed up for the test), and I can't find where to order it now.</p>

<p>When I click "order score services", I can only order SAS.</p>

<p>There is no QAS for December.</p>

<p>which months/tests do they have them for?</p>

<p>I know they have them for Oct and Jan. (That’s when I ordered them) At least I’m pretty sure…</p>

<p>What exactly do you get when you order QAS?</p>

<p>Jan, May, and Oct are the current QAS months.</p>

<p>why does collegeboard do that? How is it harder for them to send QAS out for certain tests than others? I don’t understand CB’s logic at all.</p>

<p>@ 2 blue</p>

<p>You get a blank test, with an answer key and the scale used for the test. I think in order to see your answers you have to separately order your answer sheet.</p>

<p>^ I don’t think you have to order it separately. But I don’t remember…it was a while ago. I just remembering getting them both. So I could be wrong</p>

<p>It’s certainly helpful though…</p>

<p>@bluebird–Yeah i don’t understand it either. It would be really helpful to us and they get to make a whole bunch of money. Maybe those are the most popular test dates?</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, Dagol and Smile. I’m surprised they send a copy of the test. That would be really helpful.</p>


The Question and Answer Service (QAS) provides your test questions, the correct answers, scoring instructions, and a form to use to order a copy of your answer sheet.</p>

<p>For all the questions, you get the question type; level of difficulty; and whether you answered correctly, incorrectly, or omitted the answer.</p>

<p>QAS is offered for only the Saturday test in October and January. In May, it is offered for the Saturday and Sunday tests, and for students eligible for accommodations that require school-based testing dates. <a href=“see%20%5Burl=College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>/quote</a>.</p>

<p>Strange thing is they don’t tell you that you are getting yout answers as well - just like in the PSAT report.</p>

<p>wait i bought QAS for december…</p>

<p>^it must be SAS.</p>

<p>what’s the difference?</p>


The Student Answer Service (SAS) provides a list of question types; whether you answered the question correctly, incorrectly, or omitted the answer; and level of difficulty. The actual test questions and answers are not provided. SAS is available only on the test dates for which QAS is not offered—November, December, March, and June. It is also available for Sunday and school-testing dates in October and January.<a href=“see%20%5Burl=College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>/quote</a></p>