<p>The reading seemed ok, but the last passage was a killer. I was so tired by that point. I had to concentrate because my eyes were starting to act up. </p>
<p>The math was harder than october I have to say. but I think i did better. The paralleogram took me a while out.</p>
<p>My test form seemed to have easy math questions but hard reading questions. It’s kinda funny because I usually do better at reading than math. But I looked at some of the other math questions that people had and theirs looked hard. I think I only missed 2 math question, which I guessed on because time ran out on me. I could’ve finished it was just that I had skipped two grids by accident, and then by time I got to number 16 I realized I bubbled it wrong and had to erase everything and put the answers in the right grid.</p>
<p>Wow, I thought the math and the reading were rather easy. The reading passages were less boring. You guys thought it was difficult? I guess that’s good for me then. ;)</p>
<p>The only other real SAT I took was Oct. 2008. This Dec. test seemed a lot easier, and I feel much more confident about it. I didn’t omit anything, so I hope that turns out to be a good thing.</p>
<p>The privacy reading passage was sort of difficult, but I’m not too scared. If I got 2300+, I’d scream and run into the street with joy.</p>
<p>I thought math was pretty easy. I’m a little nervous. What if that means I did really bad? Or maybe my math sections were easier than the other ones? My math section included the 4x4 cube cut into 64 pieces question. I heard people talking about questions that I didn’t have, and they made them sound really hard.</p>
<p>If math is harder this test, does that mean the curve will be more lenient? If I got 800, I’d scream!</p>