<p>Hi I'm applying my SAT scores earlier like fter the October testing. However, I decided to retake some SAT2s in December. Am I going to have to spend 10$ a school to send my results or is it free to update your score reports? And if I do have to pay again to send my scores, do I have to pick to send during the registration or can I just send the scores the day I receive them?</p>
<p>If you put colleges (only up to 4 I believe) on your application for the test then all scores will be sent free to those colleges. If you wait to send until scores come out then you must pay the fee per college.</p>
<p>So do I have to send scores again for sure? There’s no “score update” or anything?</p>
<p>Yes, you must order December scores sent either on application for December test (the free sends) or separately when score comes out (the charge per college sends) for any college to receive them. The College Board always sends all scores he has on file for you at the time you request the sending when you request scores to be sent; however, it does not do any automatic update by sending future test scores.</p>