<p>Is anyone here a sunday test taker? I took it today and it was pretty good. It is so frustrating that all of you Saturday test takers get to discuss answers and I have no one to talk to... Is there anyone here who wants to discuss?
Which math was experimental? The first math 20 question one or the second?
What do you think the curve will be like? good or bad</p>
<p>you guys are lucky you had a math experimental. i had a CR experimental. :(</p>
<p>CR experimental kills me.
it drains so much of my energy lol</p>
<p>I know I was so thankful that it was math. I always hope that it won’t be CR because that kills me too. So far I’ve been lucky: June- Writing Exp., October- Math Exp., December- Math Exp.</p>
<p>YES. and it’s worse when you realize that the same CR came out on the Sunday administration of the november SAT. look at one of the threads on the front page of SAT Discussion and compare it to int’l SAT discussion for december.</p>
<p>I had 2 math sections right after the essay, when all I wanted was a nice calm and not frantic CR.</p>
<p>i had a math experimental (took it on sat)
@lolcats4 i had the same, but like math more lol</p>
<p>central1 - can you recall anything from your test. For example, what was your Paired Passage? Can you recall any reading? This will really help. If you can recall anything I might be able to help you.</p>
<p>The paired passage:
Passage 1 - Lawyers are able to manipulate the juror into winning the case by using eloquent speech, appealing facial expressions, and enticing concluding arguments.
Passage 2 - Lawyers are not decieveing or manipulating the juror, but are only bringing out the truth of the case, and through eloquent speech they are able to help make the case be more understandable.</p>
<p>Other passges:
Mini one - on travel and the shops along the road…
One on father liking art and how he quits his job to paint (shocks mother)
One on a journalist who interviews African-Americans who were famous and leave America to live somewhere else
Can’t remember what else…</p>
<p>Random Words: impasse, sinecure, pernicious, deleterious, fecund…</p>
<p>Central1 - please check your CC mail.</p>
<p>I took it yesterday, I don’t know what to expect since It was my first time taking it. I answered all questions, missed couple in CR and one in math.</p>
<p>The first math was experimental!!! This was the hard math section for me, which is really good. The other 20 question section was seriously the easiest thing ever, like every single question was a level 1 or 2 no joke - I was sooo confused because i’ve never seen anything like it. (Finished in 10 minutes.) Does this mean the math curve is going to suck?</p>