Decide my fate!

<p>I slacked off a bit in high school and didn’t get accepted the colleges I would have really liked to go to (UCLA, Berkeley, Stanford, etc.) I know I have the intelligence level, but I was lazy and didn’t do all that great. My UC GPA was a 3.6 and I got a 1900 on the SATs. Because of this, I chose to enroll at UC Riverside because it was the best I could get into (well actually, Santa Cruz would have been, but I didn’t apply for some dumb reason).</p>

<p>UC Riverside IS a good school, however it’s not a great school. It’s ranked in the top 100 (like 96) on the US News Report.</p>

<p>If I go to a community college, my chances of transferring to a nice school like Berkeley are greatly increased (like 35%-40% acceptance rate I think), since community colleges get first dibs. Transferring from UCR to UCLA only has a 20% acceptance rate. Also, going to a community college will be really lame, and I’ll just be stuck at the same people I was with in high school. Plus, I’m getting really sick of living at home and would love to move out. Also, when transferring to a school after a community college I doubt I’ll get that whole “college experience.”</p>

<p>Keep in mind, I already put in my SIR (intent to register) at UCR and have also signed up for orientation. However, I CAN still back out.</p>

<p>So what should I do? Should I go to UCR and just accept that it’s a pretty good school, and I’ll still get a good education, or should I go to a community college with hopes of transferring to a nicer school like UCLA or Berkeley?</p>

<p>Please explain your answers, and give your reasoning.</p>

<p>Poll coming…</p>

<p>I was in the same boat as you a little while ago, and my decision was to enroll in UCR and use it as a stepping stone to trasnfer into a higher UC. UC-UC may be given last priority but that doesn't mean that no one gets in. If you are as intelligent as you say you are, I think UCR should be cake for you, especially with the added incentive of transferring. Just get above a 3.5 or w/e (maybe higher depending on your field). Did you enroll in the Honoros Program? Also talk to a counselor about your schedule, so as to improve your chances for transferring. If you have enough AP's also consider putting those to work, maybe making you a "sophomore" and allowing you to posssssibly tranfer after 1 instead of 2 years.</p>

<p>Also, if you can't transfer out, where would you rather be stuck: UCR or community? UCR is a beautiful campus, I was pleasantly surprised :)</p>

<p>Well they actually offered me acceptance to UCR a bit late and I didn't have an opportunity to enroll in the honors program</p>

<p>depends on what you want more...</p>


<p>-save lots of $_$
- easier to transfer
-looked down upon.. (arguable)
- boring (not as challenging )</p>

-better college experience
-more money</p>

<p>I would say if you really want to transfer to a more prestigious school such as Berkeley or Stanford, then go JC. On the other hand, there's nothing wrong with UCR as you said before its in the top 100 of USNWR. What I wouldn't recommend is transferring from UCR - > UCX .</p>

<p>From a junior college you'll get into Cal and UCLA but don't hold your breath for Stanford. And if I were in your situation I would go to a JC. Quite frankly Riverside is a bad school and I wouldn't risk it.</p>