<p>i just wanted to say thank you all so much for being a supportive and fun community. i wont be able to make another post because i have a 5:20 pm int’l flight and have to leave for newark right after school. from the bottom of my heart, i wish you all the absolute best of luck in getting into whatever school you so desire. i know for me, venus, bernardolw, withone, and the other deferred, that special place is penn. i know you guys stand a great shot at being accepted! for you RD applicants, i hope you get into your top school as well
<p>but yea, thanks again, and remember, always have confidence in yourself.</p>
<p>aww CC LOVE! Whereever I end up going, I'll always remember you guys!</p>
<p>me too. i think it would have been great if we could have all ended up at the same school. an update on me for you all I was denied from Hopkins last night. Of any schools i thought i would be in that one because i knew a professor but it didn't work out. :( (pennhunter is still sad) I guess my sub par act scores and awesome everything else isn't working out to well for me. so everyone keep your fingers crossed and knock on wood that im getting into georgetown.</p>
<p>OHH NO!! Penn is in decisions mode (loading decisions onto their database). The time draws near....</p>