decisions 2017

I know from looking through last years thread that early action out of state decisions came very very late (the lasted possible day Wisconsin said they would release them) which must’ve been so frustrating because pretty much all instate already knew
does anyone know if the same thing is expected to happen this year? looking at other years it was released usually by Christmas or early January, so I want to hear back as soon as possible. Any thoughts?

Wondering the same thing! Also, if your decision is delayed till Jan 31 does that mean they will prompt you for 1st semester grades before making a final decision?

I think only if they postpone you they’ll ask for grades. If I haven’t gotten a decision by January I’ll probably go ahead and send mine just in case they haven’t looked at it yet. I really really hope they don’t wait until then though, I want to find out! I know it’s only the 4th but the waiting is killing me already haha

The way I look at it: Expect to get the results on the very last day. Don’t assume they will come sooner. I know the pain of waiting, but it just makes it that much better if you get results earlier. Best of luck!

Just looked at the 2016 thread…looks like they did wait until the weekend of January 31st. It went by state and time zone. Don’t read into not hearing from the school until then. It’s a big school with lots of applications. Just make sure you self-report your 1st semester or 1st trimester grades as soon as you can so that you show a strong or stronger application. Good luck everyone!