Decisons! Decisions! Decisioins!

<p>Ahh... Dude! I applied in DECEMBER!!! DECEMBERR!!! and i have to wait til APRIL 1ST?!?! THIS IS ABSURD! </p>

<p>Do u guys know if they will let notify b4 april 1st? I can't take it anymore! haha</p>

<p>by the way
my ACT is a 26 (27 in math & reading)
my gpa is a 3.9
major: biochem</p>

<p>what do u guys think?
In? Maybe? </p>

<p>Gah i'm nervous.</p>

<p>Man your in.
I got my acceptence letter today :slight_smile:
your stats are aound the same as mine</p>

<p>I live in Georgia
I have a 3.95 GPA
tennis and foozball
my SAT was 1540
math was low tho 490 (but i got accepted so who cares. lol)
I applied to the Corps of Cadets, so that probably helped, but i think your good.</p>