Deep Springs Application - Summer 2020

The DSC application was recently divulged to the general public yesterday, September 10th 2019. To any person(s) who applied, either “successfully or unsuccessfully”, what advice may you so graciously privy to us?

@JuniperBerry first piece of advice is try not to make too many threads, post any queries on the most popular thread because some others might want to ask the same questions. More appropriate to your question however, I was rejected last year but some advice I can give is not to procrastinate. Write your essays and draft and redraft. I think I redrafted mine about four or five times. Your ideas will flow subconsciously throughout the month and by keep going back to the prompt you’ll make a more concrete essay. Also use this time to actually find yourself. Who are you exactly? Once you know who you are and what aspirations (solid) you have for the future, it will be easier to answer the essays. I know this can be near impossible and many people don’t actually find their true selves in their whole lives but while it sounds wishy washy, this is quite important especially when it comes to the “why deep springs” prompt.

Fascinating! Well, I’m beginning today. WIsh me luck !