Deferred Applicant Contact Interviewer

I am a deferred early action candidate.

From my gut feeling my interview went really well and I genuinely believe my interviewer would was surprised and disappointed to hear I was deferred.

Should I contact him and tell him I was deferred and to tank him for his time? (hoping he will do something, maybe put another good word or something)

Is that worth trying or maybe it will come out as desperate ?

In any case I don’t believe it could do any harm, I genuinely can’t imagine him putting a bad word and reporting to the university that he thinks I am desperate.

Help anyone ?

After the SCEA round, each alumni chapter is notified of which students have been admitted. It’s the same with the RD round. The alumni chapter then passes that information on interviewers, who sometimes send congratulatory emails to the admitted students they interviewed. So your interviewer already knows you were not admitted in the SCEA round, and unfortunately there is nothing more they can do for you. No, they are not going to contact Admissions and put another “good word” in for you, as that is not how the admissions process works (sorry). And yes, contacting your interviewer and asking them to put another “good word” in for you will come off as desperation. I’m sure your interview report was outstanding, however please read this article from a Harvard Alumni Interviewer to understand one person’s perspective on the process. Your interviewer has absolutely no control or say over which student’s Admissions takes: