Deferred.. What are my chances?

Hi, I was deferred EA in December for Wisconsin. I applied to the school of Human Ecology and my first semester grades are:

AP Macro: A
AP Literature: A
AP Biology: B (:/)
Precalc: C
Honors Gov: A
Yearbook: A

I’m very worried the C on my transcript will get me a denial come regular round. I have great extracurriculars such as water polo, lacrosse, volunteer at UCSF (a recommendation letter was sent there to UW Madison), over 5 jobs, and more community service work in underprivileged areas. My essays were really strong I believe. Overall I have a 3.7 UW GPA and a 1370 SAT. Someone plz tell me my chances of getting in regular round!!

Relax and don’t think about it. Your chances will depend on the rest of the applicants who finish theirs by the deadline. UW will decide how many they can admit- nothing for you to do now except enjoy the rest of senior year. I assume you have backup schools applied to.

Lol this has nothing to do with what you asked but what is “yearbook” for a class. At my school thats just a club. Do you get graded on your additions to the yearbook? weird.

@Lauren8040 Yes you get an academic grade and it is a class

@Lauren8040 my kids’ school has Yearbook as a class as well. It can be a great elective for the vis. arts or journalism kids - Some might do Yearbook instead of an extra year of fine arts, for instance. My oldest is currently pursuing a BFA in graphic design (not at UW-Madison) and she designed the cover and some of the layout of her high school’s yearbook during her senior year.

Question: deferred EA applicants are supposed to report mid-terms grades through the student center. Apparently some folks have recently gotten an email with instructions how to do so but we haven’t yet. Anyone who has gotten that email know where to otherwise find the instructions of how to report through the student center or can copy it here in this thread (or is it pretty obvious when you log in how to do so)? Thanks.

@BayAreaParent53 it’s pretty obvious but here are the instructions anyway:

And everyone - even if accepted - is supposed to report mid-years. The tool has been on the Student Center portal for a couple weeks now.