Definition of a "Competitive" High School

<p>definition of competitive high school:
100% college matriculation</p>



<p>I really think that the take home message here is that colleges are going to take the time and effort to judge you fairly, according both to your high school and background (the parts of that that are apparent on the app, anyway). If your stats put you in the elite category at your school (whether they seem that way numerically (really high GPA/really high rank) or not), they will know that and take that into account. Personally, I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about whether your or not your HS is competitive--it's kind of too late now, anyway!! The cream always rises to the top...</p>

definition of competitive high school:
100% college matriculation</p>



<p>Definitely disagree. Not every student from every type of school WANTS to go to Ivys. I go to a very competitive, strictly religous school, and our students go to the best schools- in their fields. For a majority of our senior classes, that is a top Christian school. That does not make our students any less successful. Saying that a school is competitive because more than 20% of its students go to Ivys assumes that all or most would go to Ivys if they could.</p>

<p>Ivies are overrated...</p>

<p>then i will modify it
definition of competitive high school:
100% college matriculation</p>





<p>typical example would be the most prestigious boarding schools like andover, exeter, choate, hotchkiss, deerfield..NYC feeder schools , horace mann, stuy
boston latin. r latin...and so on</p>