I am reminded of a years ago conversation a college friend, fellow woman chemistry major, and I had. I went medical, she went PhD. Both of us wondered if perhaps we should have gone the other’s route. Too late now (60+ age and not interested in the onerous paths).
So many possibilities, there isn’t enough time in a day/week… to do everything. Get the career center testing to find out compatible areas and take it from there. You will always be so much more than your career. We all have many facets and make use of one or more to make our living. That doesn’t mean we can’t change or have other interests. You see it in the many ways to do things. Oh- and we old people can always have regrets about the road not taken or realize life just happens for the journey we are on.
Boy, am I being philosophical here. Need to quit.
Undergrad - Economics
I work for a film studio in a division that license films to exhibitors in North America. I don’t use any economics and I’m not a practicing lawyer. My career longevity is a function of my social skills and ability to laugh and make people laugh. I tell my two children that they should strive to get good grades and go to good universities but equally important is to get along with people and have interesting things to say.
BA News/Editorial Communication, minors in Eng, Mkt
MBA - Finance/Accounting with an additional concentration of courses in statistics
Formal Bank Credit Training program
I wanted to write editorials for the NY Times or travel the world with Associated Press. Interned at the college Public Affairs office and got my articles published. I was offered a perm job there, but I graduated, married and moved to an area experiencing a severe economic crash.
First current career job out of college - P/T bank teller/acting vault teller, while I continued to look for writing jobs. Decided I was good at banking, went to grad school at night and have been in banking for more than 30 yr., in various professional positions in treasury, credit, corporate trust, credit audit, portfolio management, lending, loan underwriting, etc.
The formal bank credit training opens doors, like being a CPA for an accountant. It is expected.
Current: credit admin depart. My position provides an excellent view of the whole company where I analyze and assess credit risk.
I love banking. My credit training classmates are bank presidents, investment fund managers, lenders, business owners, small business CFOs.
B.A. in Political Science and M.A. in Public Policy Studies
I am now a prospect researcher, a job I never knew existed until it fell into my lap many years ago. I help nonprofits find good donor prospects for their fundraising efforts. An essential but definitely behind-the-scenes position of the fundraising world! It really capitalizes on my research and writing skills, and I find it fascinating to contemplate the psychology of philanthropy. Who knew?
B.A. in Political Science.
M.A., Ph.D. in Political Science (Certificate in Russian Area Studies).
Career in academia – research and teaching.
Now retired.