Denied because of Grades Inconsistency

I just saw a post talking about grades inconsistency, a guy got denied because of grades inconsistency, but he had 4.0 last spring and heading to another 4.0 this semester. I used to think UWM wanted to see upward trend in grades, but I don’t understand why that guy got denied because of Grades Inconsistency since he has a great upward trend in all his classes.

They really want good grades throughout your HS years. If you don’t have that, an upward trend is preferable, but it the best of all scenarios. Unless the college told his GC, he probably has no way to know for sure why he was denied anyway.

UWM is UW-Milwaukee.

@madison85 it’s under UW madison forum, so everyone knows im referring to UW madison

@intparent thanks for your reply, hes a transfer students and he called for explanation about his application and thats what he got for why he got rejected. Anyway ima kinda nervous since I got a 3.0 in this quarter… I want to transfer to uwm and i’m confident i will pull up my grades.

I have never thought upward trend applied much to transfer students. It is often discussed for high school students because low grades in freshman and sophomore years are common, especially among boys. But as they mature in HS, they “figure it out” and start working more to their potential. Transfer students are usually expected to work to their potential from the get go, especially if they want to transfer to a harder school. Basically you have to show that your current school is a piece of cake for you if you want to step up in the transfer process.

We keep reminding posters here that it is simply UW because they need to learn the customary lingo if they intend to go to school in Wisconsin. A reminder here will save them later when plenty of locals-instate students will get confused by their usage. You can’t assume things, especially if you don’t know the UW/UWM usage. If you get accepted you won’t make the mistake on campus.

I was confused when I saw it too, I’m curious to see how the appeal turns out, so many people were denied who seemed like they qualified, but who knows.

I’m wondering how UW-Madison calculates cumulative GPA with repeated courses, anyone have any idea? All of ways I’ve tried calculating it my repeated courses’ grades are what count and not the overall repeated cumulative.

@Natalie278 yea they do. They have made it clear that they will calculate everything including repeated courses into GPA.

@wis75 sorry for the confusion, i’ve never thought about that XD

@mapleccc I know they do I’m curious how though.

@Natalie278 if i remember it correctly, you are an international student right? where are you from?