<p>Hey i am a senior and I appied to UF and I was just wondering if anyone on here could tell me anything in particular about this program at UF. Thanks!</p>
<p><em>It is in the College of Health and Human Performance</em></p>
<p>Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology:
This department is primarily concerned with the immediate and lasting effects of exercise and its use in disease prevention and rehabilitation. Faculty members are dedicated in the broadest sense to understanding and researching health and exercise, to influencing exercise outcomes. Of interest is the full spectrum of human potential: from young to old, fit to unfit, healthy to diseased, able-bodied to disabled, and from the casual recreational participant to the high-level athlete. </p>
<p>There are 3 specializations (Athletic training, Exercise Physiology, & Fitness and Wellness)</p>
<p><a href="http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/apk/undergrad/%5B/url%5D">http://www.hhp.ufl.edu/apk/undergrad/</a></p>
<p>What should I concentrate on in my first 60 hours? </p>
<p>For your first two years one will concentrate on fulfilling general education requirements and universal tracking. General education courses include Composition (3), Humanities, (9), Social Behavioral Sciences (9), Math (6), Physical and Biological Sciences (9). In addition to General Education, one should make sure they complete the International Diversity requirement of 6 credits. This can be combined with any Humanities or Social Behavioral Science. Courses that are part of your college tracking should also be complete by the 60-hour mark. Finally, writing and math requirements should be complete. </p>
<p>What are the requirements to graduate summa cum laude, magna cum laude and cum laude? </p>
<p>To graduate summa cum laude, a student must have a 3.7 upper division GPA and complete a senior project (a thesis, research project, or some other body of creative work). To graduate magna cum laude, a 3.7 upper division GPA is required along with a senior project. The appropriate departmental or college faculty committee decides whether a project warrants a summa cum laude or magna cum laude. To graduate cum laude, the student must earn a 3.4 upper division GPA; no senior project is required. </p>
<p>What is the 4:1 program; when should a student apply? </p>
<p>The 4:1 or combined degree program allows a student to have 12-credit hours count toward both a Masters Degree and a Bachelors Degree; therefore completing the higher-level degree in less time. Students should contact their academic advisor during the second semester of their sophomore year or first semester of their junior year for information regarding which courses count for double credit. Students should apply sometime during the junior year. In order to be approved for the 4:1 program, a student must have a minimum 3.2 overall GPA and a combined score of at least 1100 on the verbal and quantitative sections of the graduate record examination (GRE). In addition, there are specific departmental requirements. </p>
<p>Where can a student get information about scholarships? </p>
<p>There are several scholarships available through the College of Health and Human Performance. You can get an application in the Office of Student Affairs, room 203 in the Florida Gym. Applications are taken during the Fall semester and are awarded during the Spring semester. The deadline for applications is posted on the College website. You can also contact University of Florida Financial Services for scholarship, loan, work-study and grant information. </p>
<p>What opportunities are there to study abroad? </p>
<p>The University of Florida and the College of Health and Human Performance encourage study abroad and gaining academic credits through exchange programs. ItÂ’s best to inquire about study abroad and exchange programs before your junior year. Most exchange program opportunities are departmentally specific. Contact one of the advisors in the Office of Student Affairs for more information. Students can also get information regarding study abroad from the University of Florida International Center (UFIC). For both study abroad and study through an exchange program, students will need to complete their paperwork through the UFIC. </p>
<p>Could you tell me about the different HHP majors? </p>
<p>Read the University of Florida Undergraduate Catalog to become familiar with the departments, emphasis areas and course descriptions. Transfer students should also become familiar with the University's academic policies. You may schedule an appointment with an HHP academic advisor for more information. </p>
<p>What are the academic criteria for pursuing a degree in APK, HEB, or TRSM? </p>
<p>The academic criterion varies depending upon the emphasis area within the major. UF Students already classified as HH are expected to meet the critical tracking criteria by the time indicated in the catalog in order to continue pursuing a degree in their major. To be considered for admission, transfer students must meet the criteria before applying to UF. </p>