<p>Okay, want to see what else is out there for high schools and show other people the same thing. Please describe it using the form below, so it’s easy to read ;)</p>
<li># Students in your class</li>
<li>Prevalence of AP/IB classes</li>
<li>Competitiveness of school (How many does your school send OOS or to top schools?)</li>
<li>Anything else?</li>
<p>Thanks!! :)</p>
<li>We have a total of 5 students in the whole school who have taken and passed any AP exams. Only 2-3 students have passed the actual class.</li>
<li>Competi-what? Our school hasn’t even sent anyone OOS for as long as I remember (4-5 years), let alone top Universities.</li>
<li>Our school is a podunk school situated in the middle of nowhere. 95% of the students have a very bleak future, unless you call working at Walmart or farming (I don’t mean corporate farming either) a prosperous career. I will be the only student to leave Iowa in a very very long time.</li>
<li>1500 (for three schools on one campus)</li>
<li>14, but each has annoying prerequisites</li>
<li>Somewhat competitive, but most smart people usually go to University of Michigan. Probably 2-3 Ivies yearly.</li>
<li>Can't think of anything right now. It's a very interesting place, though.</li>
<li>94 (but class size varies w/ each grade, my class happens to be one of the bigger classes)</li>
<li>17 AP classes are offered, however many students from lets say German IV for example may take the AP exam at the end of the year; we do not have the IB program </li>
<li>I don't know the percentages but I'd say about 25% of the graduation class is going to OOS colleges, 70% are staying in-state, and 5% aren't going to college</li>
<li>My school had the only 2 people from the area's region that were accepted to Harvard. One is going there (on a basketball scholarship), another is going to a top liberal arts school in-state on a full ride (very generous considering their tuition is about $40,000). So we only had that 1 Ivy Leaguer mentioned above, but there were many graduates who are matriculating at top schools.</li>
<li>22 APs, roughly 500 tests taken last year from my school</li>
<li>In the yearbook, it showed 1 person into MIT, 1 into JHU, 1 into Harvard, 6 into UC Berkely, 20 into UC Davis.</li>
<li>Our school is like 310 on the list of best high schools from newsweek.</li>
<li>0 AP's, 0IB's</li>
<li>it depends on the people in the class. last year none, this year 1 is going to MIT, one to Cornell, and thats it i think</li>
<li>Our school is reffered to as an idiotics school, and a good amount of students are disspleased by the academics</li>
<li>About 12 AP classes are offered. No IB</li>
<li>Not competitive at all. My school has never sent anyone to a top tier school. 99.9% of students go to a state university, community college, or auto diesel college.</li>
<li>Not a great place to go to school. Pretty much all of my social studies courses have consisted of listening to the teacher talk about his conservative beliefs.</li>
<li>lots of APs. will probably add IB's too in the next 2 years.</li>
<li>harvard, cornell, JHU, duke, UPenn, brown, columbia....</li>
<li>uhh....my school has the most sucky football team.</li>
<li>was 650 last year, now 550 and dropping(out)</li>
<li>A bunch of APs, enough IB's for full diploma the state pays for the tests</li>
<li>Usually like 2-3 ivys probably like 10-20 Oos</li>
<li>49% white, median household income in my city of 60,000 is $30,000</li>
<li> Public</li>
<li> 333</li>
<li> Lots of APs</li>
<li> A few students a year (<5) go to Ivies and comparable schools like MIT. Lotsa people get into schools like JHU and Duke. Many people, though, even at the top of the class, go to UMD (many in the Honors or Gem Stone program.) Don't get me wrong, it's a great state school; I just hate how everyone goes there. xP</li>
<li> I really like my school. : ] We have lots of diversity as to race and income, although the minority involvement in higher-level courses could stand to be improved. I'm proud of how well we do academically for a random-ass public school. In my class (current juniors), we've got like five 2300+s and about five 2200-2300s. I dunno, maybe we're just freaks at SATs.</li>
<li>Just under 500</li>
<li>Offers most APs, not sure about IBs</li>
<li>Three students going to Harvard, many others going to Ivies, at least 8 or 10 into Northwestern, absurdly competitive</li>
<li>The school featured in The Overachievers, in top 100 high schools basically every year, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too competitive about colleges. Pretty good athletic teams, absolutely amazing extracurricular opportunities (newspaper, debate, It's AC, and music groups are all award-winning, some on the national level)</li>
3.Offers a lot of APs, A lot of kids take them. No IB program.
4.Among the top students, highly competitive at top colleges, but most students don't go anywhere.
5. "Inner city school" with the best students grouped together in all classes, not a lot of contact with the other students. 2nd in state at golf, very good tennis.</p>
<li>Public in Arizona</li>
<li>Only a certain number of kids actually take AP exams and a good majority don't bother. We have to close a lot of AP classes due to underenrollment. We offer 14 AP's, though you can't take them all (no actual limit, but you can't fit them all into your schedule and still graduate.) I wish they offered more. D: No IB classes. </li>
<li>We send a fair amount of kids (about 30 or so) OOS, but not necessarily to top schools. Some I've honestly have never heard of. We send some kids to top schools every year, but it's very minimal. This year, I counted five. </li>
<li>I'm kind of disappointed in my school, considering we're all middle-class (and mostly white, I must add) and have the means to achieve more, but don't bother to.</li>
<li>Around 300</li>
<li>Somewhere around 10 AP courses offered, others offered online - many students take the tests.</li>
<li>Not as competitive as some, but top 10 students of class are somewhat competitive. Sal is going to Cornell, and we have had several going to West Point in the past years, and last year, one person went to MIT. </li>
<li>Really good school, wish there was a little bit more competition, though. Most students choose to attend state colleges, even though they could easily get into top colleges.</li>
<li>No IB, 4 AP classes. Considering the class sizes, turnout in them is good.</li>
<li>Competition among the top ten, I would say, in each class. We sent someone to Stanford, two people to Wharton, and one person to West Point last year; two valedictorians to Reed and Notre Dame this year. The bottom 25% of the class goes to JC or work, the middle 50% to in-state four year colleges, the next 15-20% usually out of state, not necessarily great, colleges and the top 5-10% go to private, honors public, or accredited (i.e. good) public, such as UCLA.</li>
<li>Its a smaller, technically rural, school, but we are surprisingly good considering what we could be. Our town in sort of poor, but the area around it is really nice, so there is a lot of rich people as well. Our school is 5 years old, and nowhere near broke. We have computers everywhere, and have got new ones for the past three years. I think we are the in top-five high schools academically for our size in our state. We are also really qualified in the arts, debate, and athletics. We won several state championships this year, and our Mock Trial and We the People teams went to state this year. It really is a nice place to go to high school.</li>
<li>Upper 200s for '09 (usually in the 225-250 range though)</li>
<li>Something like 15 AP courses offered.</li>
<li>2-5% to Ivies+M+S, Another 5% to top LACs.</li>
<li>Split into two main groups: Well-off preppy kids driving BMWs and getting daddy to pay for some unknown private college over a state school. Kids who parents moved here so daddy's commute is shorter and kids get to go to a "good" high school.</li>
<li>Selective public</li>
<li>Grade? 200-225.</li>
<li>They're offered, but mostly only senior year. Most students take 1-3 or so.</li>
<li>Extraordinarily competitive. Something like 1/3 into Ivies, and most of the other 2/3 go to top LACs/UChicago/UMich/Stanford.</li>
<li>We have kids from all over NYC, and I love it :)</li>
<li>20+ AP courses</li>
<li>Pretty competitive, if you're in the top 50 students. We send a lot of kids to Ivies or Ivy equivalents.</li>
<li>About 60% of the students in my school are immigrants from Hispanic countries. I hear Spanish more than I hear English in the hallways.</li>
<li>Around 18 AP courses. No IB.</li>
<li>Sends 3-5 kids to top colleges every year. I would say the top 10 or 15 kids in my class have a good chance of getting into top tier colleges, but most choose UT Austin. Competition among the top 10 kids runs very high.</li>
<li>2800 kids crammed into a small high school building. Tension escalates.</li>
<li>Plenty of Both</li>
<li>We sent plenty OOS , some to Top Schools</li>
<li>We are also known as the druggie, slut school! How exciting. Oh and also rich and snobby .
I fit into neither of the categories. :] ahha</li>