deserves more credit than is given!

<p>Like many other students, I too seeked a University that had good name, good status, and that would give me a strong education, im my case, to persue medicine. Loyola was not a name that stood out, and untill I actually visited the campus, I gave little value to this university. One thing however, to those who were also accepted, Loyola is a great place to persue undergraduate. Even though the university is expensive, they give scholarships and finantial aid very easily. I recieved 56,000. Most of their facilities are new, many new teachers, new dorms, its a new place. I visited hoping to understand more about the pre-med program I had been admitted too, and the little details made me deicide to attend Loyola. First of all, the classes are taught by proffessors, no graduate students. All of them have strong back grounds, such as Yale, Stanford, U of C, Northwestern. No matter what major you pick, you are given an advisor, who will help you make your decisions, and be the most effective you can during your years. In pre-med, the Rec letters are done by a whole board, which has helps admission to med school by a ton. My point is, dont disregard a university because you havent heard much from it. A couple years ago Loyola was a bad university, they had bad administration, and because of this they suffered. Things have changed, and that why, as a pre-med, I choose Loyola over many other schools.</p>