Development Economics Minor for CS Major

I am an undergrad CS Major and am looking to minor in Development Economics, basically economics for understanding challenges created by world poverty. I have seen several posts here regarding what a good minor for CS majors is and most of the of responses say to take what you are genuinely interested in that has a good chance of helping you career-wise in the future. I plan on to going to grad school probably for ML and I wanted to know if I should pick a different minor knowing this. My school doesn’t offer a statistics minor (for grad school ML) and I also want to minor in something I am genuinely interested in - the last thing I want to do is get stuck doing a minor I hate for the possibility of grad school. Also, I am also doing undergrad research this upcoming semester; would undergrad research or a specific minor be more valuable to a grad school?

UW does not have minors. You can do a second major, however. Math is an excellent background for computer science. Look at courses required for an economics major as well.

You obviously are not at UW-Madison currently.