did anybody actually GET IN to HumEc?

<p>i havent heard of a single person that actually got in to human ecology... i got deferred.. anybody get in? stats?</p>

<p>Only heard of one so far, and my daughter got deferred also. Anyone know anyone who applied to the FSAD program in Hum Ec?</p>

<p>I also got deferred from Human Ecology… are both of you from NY state?
I went to the facebook group for accepted Cornellians and I saw a few HumEc acceptances, but NONE of them were from NY state. They were all out-of-staters, which is making me think that maybe HumEc deferred the majority of instate applicants to RD to make sure they’d get enough money from out-of-state applicants? Due to the budget cuts?
This is just my theory, I could be completely wrong.
Any thoughts?</p>

<p>HumEc was exactly what I wanted from college… the deferral stung.</p>

<p>Wow HumanEc is being a witch with a capital B with admissions this year. I’m getting nervous as I’m applying for transfer right now, for the PAM major. There were at least 2-3 students on this board who were rejected/deferred and they had really good stats and looked like good fits. </p>

<p>Sure hope they’re not turning down more New Yorkers…the contract colleges were originally created to directly benefit NY state, and it used to be that like 90% of students were NYers…now all these out of staters are flocking in with their pockets full of gold, ready to hand over life savings to Cornell…haha. But someone posted something earlier about how Cornell is cutting down on construction instead of New Yorkers? hope that’s true</p>

<p>i guy i know just got accepted. he had perfect grades, he had a 2030 on his SAT, and like a 740 on his math sat II and like a 700 in bio sat II. hes in student council, and does varsity basketball and volleyball. umm thats about it. hahaha</p>

<p>and we’re in NY state. oh and he’s asian, grew up in bangkok, came to new york last year</p>

<p>Yay good for him :)</p>

<p>it’s weird that HumanEc has the highest freshman acceptance rate, and I think second-highest transfer rate, and like no one on these boards got accepted lol.</p>

<p>Idk… I had a 2300 SAT (1500/1600 with an 800 writing) and a 96 unweighted GPA with every AP/honors class I could have possibly taken and double-accelerated math since 7th grade with 2 years of working at an endocrinology clinic during the summer 28 hours a week as well as volunteering at the hospital for 3 summers in a row for about 50 hours each and got deferred…
my bio e sat II was a 790, though my Math I SAT II was a 640. maybe that’s what got me deferred? My other SAT II’s were 760 World History and 750 Spanish (those were the two good ones, I had a 680 chem that was bleh but I thought the 790 Bio E would outweigh it since I was going for Human Bio, Health, and Society)
Oh, and a 5 on AP Bio, 5 on AP US History, and 5 on AP World.
Deferred :(</p>

<p>oh my school doesn’t weight GPA’s or rank</p>

<p>Yeah I’m from new york as well…starting to see a pattern…
and that is odd that humec’s got the highest acceptance rate but nobody on CC seems to have been admitted…</p>

<p>It has the highest acceptance rate, but also the second highest percentage of people who graduate in the top 10% of their high school class (CoE is first). Maybe it’s admissions rate is deceptive.</p>

<p>It’s weird, but I’m definitely at least in the top 3% of my class (my school doesn’t do any top %'s or ranks or anything). I think I do see a pattern, Bermuda. So maybe we have a good shot RD! At least we’ll see our options come April?
A kid in my school got accepted to Engineering ED who has weaker stats/EC’s than me. I guess it’s the whole he’ll-pay-full-price thing while I wouldn’t have to if I went to HumEc.</p>

<p>to me it seems like you have some great stats chandlerbing, i thought you had a good chance of getting in.
but maybe your ecs didn’t stand out too much?
I agree that your ecs relate to public health, but it seems to me that almost everyone, even those who don’t apply to human ec. voluneteers at the hospital (including myself, i applied to ilr). i’m not criticizing you or anything, just suggesting my point of view.</p>

<p>I wish you all the best!</p>

<p>I did have a job for 2 years during the summer at an endocrinology clinic, though, and shadowed physicians.
So idk :confused:
The only reason the hospital volunteering is big on my resume is because it was a 3-year commitment sort of thing.
Ehhh we’ll see if I get in RD ><</p>

<p>I applied FSAD and got deferred and was told by a freshman in the program that everyone she knows who applied early got deferred last year so perhaps there is hope.</p>

<p>Maybe there is hope! HumEc was like the hardest school this year according to what I’m seeing… weird.</p>

<p>Thebonj, you’re the first person I know of who also applied FSAD. My daughter was deferred from the same program. It’s so highly specialized and each portfolio is so unique that I suppose they just might need more time to digest everything. And ChandlerBing you are definitely right. It seems like HumEc was the hardest this year. Surprising to me, but if you think about it, the programs are so unique and it’s such an integrated approach to studying (that no other school-- ivy or otherwise – offers) so it can afford to be really discriminating. Back in the day (I’m CAS '89), Hum Ec was the low school on the Cornell totem pole. No longer. It never should have been. There is no other school like it.</p>

<p>Well, hopefully they’ll be willing to accept their deferred applicants. It truthfully seems like they accepted very few in-state applicants ED.
HumEc is exactly what I’m looking for in a college, and the fact that I was deferred is really disappointing. Hopefully we’ll do better RD :confused:
HumEc is amazing, and was way more selective than anyone expected.</p>

<p>Yeah I think one reason HumanEc used to be looked down on is because it was a school where girls would go to study Home Economics? Something like that…could be wrong.</p>

<p>I think the reason it has such a high acceptance rate is b/c it’s so specialized. There are tons of people who apply to CAS for common majors like Econ or Bio, but the students who apply to HumanEc usually have a better idea of what they want, something more unique and specialized, and they know how to use the resources in HumEc to get exactly what they want. At every other college, I’m just an Econ major…at Cornell, I can apply for PAM, which fits my interests so perfectly.</p>

<p>I honestly believe that a deferral is simply the school asking for more time to read your app. If you read a rejection letter, the tone is noticeably different. Also, I have to think that if Hum Ec absolutely did not want you, they would have passed your app onto your secondary, knowing that you might possibly get accepted there at which point you would no longer be a viable candidate for Hum Ec. As far as being put into the RD pool, this is CORNELL we’re talking about. The adcom knows that the ED’ers most probably still want Cornell as their first choice since they’ve already demonstrated as much.</p>