Did I blow it?

<p>I am currently halfway through the first marking period in my junior year taking 3 AP classes (APUSH, AP Bio, and AP English) and a CP math class. To put it simply, I am so stressed and nervous that I am barely able to function. Due to the fact that many of my senior friends are beginning to apply to colleges, I have begun to contemplate my future after high school and at the moment, it is not looking very bright.</p>

<p>At the beginning of freshman year, I took all honors classes besides math. The math class I took, however, was a CP sophomore class, so I was still learning at a faster pace than a majority of the students in my class. I worked very diligently throughout the year, but struggled in math as I always have. I maintained all A's and B's with one C in math during the last marking period. After finals, my final grades were a majority A's and some B's, and my GPA was around a 3.7 weighted.</p>

<p>Sophomore year I continued with the same schedule of honors in all my core classes besides math. I was in a CP junior math class with a very challenging teacher, and this is where things started to go wrong. Our teacher was a new man from France who spoke English very poorly and taught very quickly. Those who were naturally gifted in math received good grades, but a large majority of the class was in my boat. My marking period grades in that class were a low D first marking period, a low D second marking period, a low C third marking period, and an F last marking period. I failed the final and passed the class with a 65. If I had gotten one point lower I would have failed the class and would not have gotten credit for having taken it. Because I was so consumed in my failure in this class, I began to struggle in other classes as well. While I did have A's and B's, I neglected studying in my other classes and ended up with a few C's and a D in another class as well. At the end of the year, my final grades were a mixture of A's, B's, and C's. and, of course, that one daunting D. While GPAs were not posted that year, I was able to sneak at peek at mine at my guidance counselor's office, and it read to be a 2.7. I am unsure at this point whether that is weighted or unweighted, but as of now, that is where I stand.</p>

<p>That brings us to today. As I mentioned earlier, I am currently taking 3 AP classes (APUSH, AP Bio, and AP English). I am enrolled in a CP math class and 2 half year electives as well as 3 electives, 2 half year electives and one full year elective (band, which I have been taking since freshman year and will continue to take through senior year). I will fully admit that I was not prepared for the workload I would be getting and through work, tennis practice, bad organization, and my own laziness, my grades for this first marking period are not going to be good. I have anticipating a B in APUSH, a C in my CP math class, A's in two of my electives and a B in one of them, and C's in AP English and AP Biology. I know that this is the year that counts the most, and for the rest of the year I am dedicating myself to doing everything possible to get A's and B's in all my classes. I have quit my job at the moment to focus on school and tennis will be over in a week. I'm going to get myself organized for the rest of the year and stop being lazy/missing homework assignments/not studying and really get myself back on track. However, I still feel as though this isn't going to be enough. I've participated in 2 sports since freshman year and am involved in several clubs. I am constantly doing different types of community service and try to be as involved in my school as I can. I am currently enrolled in a class that is meant to prepare me for the SATs. As a prerequisite for this class, I was asked to take a fake SAT so that my improvement can be tracked. I received a 1600 on this fake SAT and am hoping to improve my score by the end of the class. I am also planning on taking the ACTs. Additionally, I am very good at writing essays and am close enough with most of my former English teachers that they would critique it for me, so I anticipate that my essay will be pretty good.</p>

<p>With all of this in mind, I am currently feeling a tremendous amount of guilt and pressure. I feel as though because of my academic performance during my sophomore year and even the beginning of this year, I will not be able to attend one of the schools I have been dreaming so long of attending. Schools like Rutgers New Brunswick (I would be applying in state as I live in New Jersey), Penn State, Drexel, Clemson, Baylor, and Syracuse. I have always had an interest in pre-med, so that's what I intend to go for, I just feel as though I will not be able to make it into these schools without spending two years a community college first, which is not what I want to do. I feel as though my dreams are now out of reach.</p>

<p>Now please, someone help me out here. My GPA is low now, but if I put in my best effort for the remainder of my junior year and finish off with all A's and B's and, realistically, one or two C's maximum and increase my SAT score by a bit, do I have a chance at any of the schools I listed? What else can I do to improve my chances, and are my dreams out of reach at this point?</p>

<p>I apologize for the lengthiness and thank you in advance. </p>