Did I ruin my chance?

So I’m an oos female applying to the business school
ACT- 32 comp, 35 eng, 30 math, 35 reading, 29 science
GPA- about 3.8 weighted and 3.35 ish UW
editor of the newspaper is pretty much my only extra curricuricular
i did dual enrollment for a few classes and honors for most but never AP
Sophomore year i had a few C’s but i improved that junior year
this semester i finished with a C in my dual enrollment calc and a B in on level english
do i have a good chance of getting in or will this semesters grades hurt?
also my sister went there so I’m a legacy


Your ACT scores are great!, but the gpa might be a bit rough for the college of business. How were your essays?

-Freshman in Neuroscience

I shove two of the essays and I think they were pretty good. I went back and looked at them the other day and noticed a grammatical error. Not sure how big of a deal that is.
