Did I ruin my chances at a UC?

All throughout high school, I had a 4.0 GPA. But since junior year of high school, I have been taking classes full time at a local community college. The first semester there, I had a 4.0, but since then, my grades have been decreasing with every semester.
The second semester, I had one B in Calculus 1, but A’s in Freshman English and Biology. This most recent semester in senior year, I had a C in Calculus 2, a B in Physics, and only one A in advanced English.
Has this made my GPA drop too much to be considered for schools like UCLA and UC Berkeley?
Additional information about me: I have a 34 composite ACT(not super-scored) and a 710 in the Math 2 and a 790 in Literature SAT subject tests. I also play music extensively in several leadership roles.
I applied undeclared humanities to all UCs.
Any information I could get would be very much appreciated!! Please tell me if I still have a chance or not!!!

You should be fine. As long as your UW senior year GPA does not fall below a 3.0, the UCs just want to know that you are passing the A-G required courses.

Typically that is the floor but, you have to read the terms of YOUR conditional admission when they come. One thought, at this stage, there is really no upside in taking courses at the CC - an A in a hard class next semester won’t improve your chances but, a failing grade in the same class may get an admission rescinded. Just something to think about.
Good luck.