Did your kids have a job freshman year?

<p>We are trying to figure out how to handle the money situation in college. My S has never had a job while in high school (although he may get one this summer). He was given an allowance for clothes and miscellaneous stuff. </p>

<p>He’s not a big spender but we would like to move him toward earning his own discretionary income in college - maybe starting second semester so he can spend first semester adjusting to college life.</p>

<p>What types of jobs are available on campus and what would they pay? Would he be able to find something just 5-10 hrs a week…just enough to give him some spending money? Is it worth it or would it be better to have him focus on his studies and just have him work during the summers for his spending money?</p>

<p>I had to work all through college while getting a degree in chemical engineering and it was very stressful and difficult - probably affected my health somewhat. I never wanted my kids to go through what I went through but it probably made me a stronger person and I learned the value of a dollar. Quite frankly, my kids have had it pretty easy thus far and I figure it is time for S to learn how to manage money.</p>

<p>i would have him work this summer for spending money for freshman year, especially if he is rushing or is in a difficult major.</p>

<p>my daughter really has not had much time for work and we are fine with that. if she had more time i would actually want her to do more things socially! </p>

<p>IMO, she did her part in paying for college by getting a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>Mike - or others - I am wondering what is a reasonable amount of weekly pocket money for a student with no car on campus and a full meal plan. My S will have his own money but we are willing to give him a set amount for a couple of meals out or a movie, etc a week. I want him to have fun but a reasonable amount of fun.</p>

<p>my daughter is pretty frugal, so she doesn’t blow through a lot of money. (she has 550 of her 600 dining dollars left! and her bama cash has mostly been used only for laundry.)</p>

<p>they can get lots of free meals at meetings, so that may satisfy some of the cravings for wanting something besides dining plan food to eat.</p>

<p>i really don’t have a $$ amount … she has lots saved in her bank account. my husband adds some occasionally. idk, i guess about 50 a week would cover the things that you mentioned (800 - 1000 per semester)?</p>

<p>when i was in college i ate at home, except for a couple times a week. those couple times i went to places where i could get lunch for about 2.50! : )</p>

<p>My kids didn’t work their frosh fall semester, but they did work their freshman spring semester.</p>

<p>They tutored at the Learning Center on campus.</p>

<p>If your works this summer, then he’ll have some pocket money until he’s ready to have job in college.</p>

<p>Kids do often spend a LOT more in college than they did in high school. There are just more things to spend money on.</p>

<p>Is it hard to find jobs on or around campus?</p>



<p>If he’s into sports at all have him look into being an intramural ref. The signup sheets will be at the Rec center. Kids just have to attend a meeting and then a couple training sessions at night for whatever sport or sports they sign up to officiate to get started. He can basically tell them how many hours he wants to work and block off the days he can’t work. It’s a good way to meet people and earn a little pocket money.</p>

<p>Not hard to find jobs (it’s very easy if you have a work-study grant). There’s a section of the myBama (under the “Student” tab, I believe) that allows you to search for campus jobs.</p>

<p>My D worked at Taco Bell her last two years of high school, including the summer before freshman year. She did not work during her freshman year. She has a 40-hour a week summer internship position this year doing cancer research (that actually pays about 60% over minimum wage). We’re very hopeful she’ll be invited back to this program year after year. (A friend of mine told me that’s usually what happens when a participating company really likes their intern.)</p>

<p>She’ll has a research project on campus fall semester through the Emerging Scholars program. She won’t have time for any other type of job.</p>

<p>After fall semester, she hopes to be involved in other research projects for the rest of her time at UA. Dr. Caldwell told her that many of the research opportunities in the bio labs require so much time that they do their best to provide some type of funding for their students, since they won’t really have time for any other job.</p>

<p>With the summer job, scholarship, and college fund she won’t really need school-year income to help with undergrad expenses. But she plans to go on for a doctorate in genetics, so she’s saving money for that, as the college fund just won’t stretch that far!!</p>

<p>Her boyfriend, on the other hand, does need to work through the school year to help pay for college. He’s a licensed EMT, but was too young to be employed in Tuscaloosa. (The one place that would have hired him at his age had to close after the April tornado last year.) He had a very tough time finding a job. He does have one now that is not ideal. He’s living in town over the summer, and hopes he can find a better job then while most of the students are not on campus.</p>

<p>My D had 2 jobs- a sort of research assistant and in the library ,but not at UA .</p>

<p>We are mean parents when it comes to ‘fun’ money. …what they earn thru summer work is what has to sustain them thru the school year. All my kids work as lifeguards at a huge aquatic center for the summer. They make between $2500 & $3000. We pay books, fee’s, tuition, R&B. Rest is up to them.</p>

<p>My older D still has money in her account. I am REALLY worried about the ‘baby’ who is heading to UA in the Fall. That kid can spend faster than I can make it!! lol Gonna be a rude awakening when we tell her sorry…eat at the cafeteria or the sorority house. </p>

<p>With 3 kids in college in the Fall…I know they will ALL be eating better than hubby and I will! ;)</p>

<p>How old to have to be to be licensed EMT in Tuscaloosa?</p>

<p>^^^I think you have to be at least 19 to be hired as an EMT, since that’s the age at which you can legally sign a contract in Alabama.</p>



<p>Ditto here. Son works summers as a certified sailing instructor (I know, hardship duty, right?). As parents we want him to have some skin in the game at college. Call it anti-entitlement syndrome. ;)</p>

<p>We do the same. We provide money for food and supplies to have in her dorm room, but eating out, movies, clothes, and such are all on her dime.</p>