Hello, I’m currently a junior in high school in NJ. Throughout my 3 years at high school, I have only taken 6 honors/AP classes and all the rest are normal level classes. However, senior year, I plan on taking 3 more honors/AP classes (Stat AP, Spanish 5AP, Human Anatomy H). As of now, I have a 4.0 unweighted GPA and a 6.38 unweighted (out of 7). Despite my lack of honors classes, I am in the top 10% of my class and have been inducted into my high school’s Cum Laude Society. The school that I go to is pretty competitive and is one of the top 100 high schools in the nation. (which might show you how difficult even our normal level classes are) Do you think my chances to getting accepted into a good university are small due to my lack of honors classes in high school? I would greatly appreciate any feedback you could give me!
Some additional stats:
- 2070 SAT score
- Good extracurriculars
(Volunteer at hospital, weekly middle school tutor, VP of cultural society, bible school teacher and volunteer, keyboardist of Praise and Worship team, Spanish Honor Society member etc.) - plan on majoring in Nursing
- some schools I’m looking into:
Rutgers NB
U of Scranton
Liberty U