Difference between APUSH and AP World history DBQs

<p>I am currently trying to learn DBQs for an APUSH DBQ exam. I checked out an AP World history exam prep book to learn DBQs from the library since there was no APUSH exam prep book available. Are there any differences in the DBQs? DIfferent guidelines or point system? </p>

<p>Yeah, definitely differences. Don’t use a WH book. APUSH just got a new rubric with the new curriculumn, so I can’t tell you the differences, but you could probably find it online.</p>

<p>@CE527M what were the differences before it changed this year?</p>

<p>The big ones I remember was that for APUSH, you didn’t have to use all the documents and you didn’t have to list an additional document that was needed.</p>